For real, though, the day your toddler learns to open doors is the beginning of the end. NO MORE CONTAINMENT! I am dreading this right now (as my toddler is not as advanced as wee George, apparently, despite being older).
This is why people with chronic illness find it nearly impossible to hold down jobs. I once had a very similar situation when working in retail (I was in the middle of a flare and ended up fainting in the women's room and being taken to the ER) and while my boss didn't fire me, he did tell me if I called out again I…
The admission that it felt good is the bravest part. I found myself in a similar conundrum at the age of 11 when I was molested by the husband of a couple I babysat for (he would detour into parking lots while driving me home). I knew what he did was wrong, but my body betrayed me by responding because it did feel…
Wow, that Vanessa Williams story is FUCKED. UP. It takes enormous courage to come forward about sexual abuse, and I really admire her for it.
"she inhaled a large portion of rich spinach and artichoke dip" in a restaurant, then "called a waitress over and asked for ribs — and looked crushed when the perplexed server told her they don't have them."
My thoughts are extreme people are extreme and people with ED have ED. Veganism can be a vehicle for both but does not cause either. I'm a vegan who did follow her and respect her choice, even though I sometimes instagram my kale :)
"None of this proves that veganism is somehow unhealthy or causes eating disorders"
Before anyone flips out, people of all diets / dietary preferences can have disordered eating patterns. When I have seen nutritionists about how to be a vegan in a healthy way (making sure I get enough protein since I lift weights, making sure I get enough lipids so I don't get homicidally hangry in the afternoon) I…
1) I'm an ex vegan myself. I get needing to make dietary changes for health reasons. I get choosing to make dietary changes for any reason.
Is she really that popular, because I've never heard of herbivore.
I'm glad she realised what was happening and is on the right track now. I can understand vegans not wanting to follow a blog that becomes non-vegan; but bollocks to the people who tried to make her feel bad (never mind the threats).
I have no feeling that this guy deserves to live, but I still can't support the death penalty as a policy. There could always be a risk of executing an innocent person, and the cost of executing someone, with the lengthy appeals process, is far more expensive than simply housing them for life.
Seriously. And if she did go out with him and inevitably found herself in an abusive relationship with him, the same assholes ask "why didn't she just leave him?"
I wish I could be braver or stronger, but lying and saying your with someone is just the norm for me and my friends. It just makes me so sad that it's 2014 and women are still in this kind of danger. It's just not fair.
I spent some time looking at The Red Pill last night, and my god, is it scary. That exact sentiment came up over and over again. These people cannot grasp that, a) women are humans, too, capable of making our own decisions; and b) even if she said yes, this is what would happen the first time she says no.
Yeah, this is the reason MRA's complain about women having their "bitch shields" up. Rather be a bitch than a dead woman.
This. This is why I will forever be proud to be a bitch/cunt/whore or whatever else these dudes mutter under their breath as they walk away from me because polite no's are no longer enough for them, they need to be told the fuck off.
"Shit like this is why women would rather make up an elaborate lie involving a fake phone number or a fake husband who knows karate than simply tell a man "no."
For the love of god, this blog is not strictly for news. The freaking tagline is "Celebrity, Sex, Fashion for Women. Without Airbrushing." None of that says "news." All it does is imply that this is a women's interests blog. I am a woman and I am interested in this story.