
A lot of the big-name educational video guys have remarkably civil comment sections—I've seen genuinely interesting, civil discussions on vlogbrothers, CGP grey, VSauce, etc. What's notable here is that that doesn't happen with the same kinds of videos when the creators are women.

I hate to generalize, but generally any opinion about Rebecca Watson from an atheist who doesn't also identify as a feminist tends to be disheartening as fuck. And yeah, she was super casual about in the video. She wasn't like, "You motherfucker, don't hit on me at 3 AM, it's creepy as fuck!" she was literally just

No one gives a shit about your boner.

Check out any video by Rebecca Watson from Skepchick. It absolutely does not matter what she's saying, the comments are full of rape threats, name-calling and assorted bullshit. She could make a video that says the sky is blue and the first comment would be "I'll rape you in an elevator, cunt-face."

I think we need a shirt that says "No one gives a shit about your boner"

ugh. Not only does Jenny McCarthy suck for this (whereas someone like Barbara Walters handles difficult material very well, back in her pre-The View days), this feels uncomfortable with such a big group. She's this young teenager surrounded by multiple adults asking her things concerning traumatic material, in

I would be right on board with you EXCEPT that she threw her entire writing staff under the bus when she was on Grey's. It was such an insult to them and their work for her to PUBLICLY say "I refuse to win an award for my performance on the show because the writing was so shitty someone else deserves it." She was an

Yeah, and Kotaku is reall pro-video games. Is a strong editorial vision a bad thing when it is a web site that is presenting one general type of news story in a pantheon of other news sites? What's wrong with an editorial bias of 'yay ladies!' without the ever constant drum of 'bitches are the worst' thrown in for

UUUUUGHHHHHHHHHH. This is the tiniest, tiniest minority of 'rape victims'. I'm super serial. Please, MRAs and other hateful people, please please please just listen (or read) for ten seconds. Reporting or even discussing a rape that actually happened is painful, it's unpleasant, it invites almost every single reaction

Fuck this lady. Seven months?! She let this go on for seven months without saying anything?! Was she just hoping it would go away or something? I hate stuff like this. Way to make it 10 times harder for actual rape victims to come forward and be believed. Especially women who were raped by public figures.

"Good for her" is not where I would go with this.

i think she was difficult too early. producers might be willing to deal with A listers like Angelina Jolie or Will Smith but Katherine Hiegl? there's many actresses they could place in her role[s]. and thats what they did.

This was like wank Christmas. I love ridiculous failures like this, especially ones where nobody actually gets hurt and good memes result.


After reading the horrible comments questioning the existence of certified service dogs, I was appalled at people's indifference to those with disabilities. Then I thought about if for a moment and became less surprised - if this girl had a physical disability, there would be only positive comments for her. But she

"Tweet Mark Ruffalo!" is going to be my go-to response for every single problem I ever encounter from now on.

Tip 1: don't hire out an expensive hotel to hold something like this.

  • Can You Knot: Exploring the Omegaverse (18+): A growing subset within fandoms! Topics such as gender roles, gendered language, and the six gender system will be discussed among many other topics.

I hate these people that only see women as property. The rapist's wife deserved to have her rapist jailed not have her husband turned into someone else's nightmare. I hope these rape victims can find help.