No no there's no difference between this and the stuff now \.Can't nitpick
No no there's no difference between this and the stuff now \.Can't nitpick
No you said their grab was impractical so are against it because they are impractical compared to their male counterpart or for moral reasons?
So the difference between weapon usage isn't big but the difference in apperence for a toon which get treated the same in their game world btw is big
You have no arugment
If your not going to advocate for realism in all aspects of a game why cherrypick?
Umm no the only kind of consent that matters is the one that isn't forced
yeah but again it's what the law says versus the actual person
a yes if a yes if it wasn't forced out of the person
Yeah so aside from justice system nonsense you need actual non consent to say rape
if your idea of pretty is combat boots then ill still to my boots
again the keyword in that is legally and morally which are both subjective
the keyword in that is legally meaning it's not the same thing as rape on a moral standpoint it is but if theres any kind of consent involved it's not actually rape
For it to be the exact same thing as rape there would need to be no consent
otherwise it doesn't fit the actually definition
I don't see anything beautiful about army wear for either
Considering guns are never treated realistically in shooters I don't think the female armor is the only realistic thing to worry about
That and name one combat outfit that is both practical and non ugly
You can"t have both, so no it only looks out of place…
I'd like if you didn't assume that every female wouldn't be ok with non ugly armor i don't play games for realism
That wasn't the first time
Everyone knows that real gamer girls play everything and don't wear heals
Well at least she's going with the safest drug.
My mom's partner allows her son to play saints row 4. I thought it was strange at first considering she got after my mom for allowing my siblings and their friends to watch inappropriate youtube videos online. However what she told me surprised me, she said that she talked to him about it and even set a "If you're not…
I thought this was fox news for a moment
I'm pretty interested to see what the story is for this, especially that illusion that was going on in the last scene
I don't see how it isn't, considering he's trying to survive maniac who was about to gut him open but you know we could have clunkly controls as you move a highschool girl around an abandoned mansion.