
I’ve only bought clothing on consignment for several years maybe I’ll get me one of these as they are cast off by the conformity-crazed.

This article describes only a tiny tiny subset of NYC people who are newly wealthy, insecure, and not very bright.

Emily Gould, who has spilled a lot of ink about how broke she is across many mediums, complaining about rewearing a $100 for a second year can only elicit eye rolls. She’s easily the worst of the gawker alumni.

I don’t think you got what I said when I said “made in China” - that means the sizing is small. Here in the US, our sizing is different than other countries, because we are fatter. So a lot of stuff on Amazon clothing wise, is usually much smaller. I am saying I wear US 16, so I know it won’t fit me given that the

The issue is not that it’s made in china, they can make any quality item as well if not better than anybody else, and the best winter coats in the world are made there, the issue is that it’s a trendy item that the maker know won’t need to live many years, so didn’t hire a supplier to make them that way.

My winter

I also have the coat and it was a damn champ during the Chicago polar vortex last year! -30 is no joke and it was perfectly warm, and waterproof. I don't live in New York, nor am I a wasteful asshole, so the coat has already been out this year

For real. I wear the same coat for DECADES. And who gives a fuck if it’s ~last season~ it’s a perfectly serviceable coat that has proved its worth in NYC winters, just fucking wear it. I guarantee you that NOBODY except some coat owners and the NYT is even thinking about this.

Every NYC owner of this coat who is experiencing the slightest bit of angst about it should immediately donate it to their closest homeless shelter. Give it to someone who appreciates what a coat is really meant for.

If I could spend one more winter day with my three-button black micro-sueded Liz Claiborne stadium coat that I wore for eleven years until it had a sheen from my urban survival bag strap so bad that it looked almost irridescent I would be the happiest person on the planet.

I was just scrolling down to say “It’s a fucking coat. Jesus Christ. Wear it or don’t - no one cares.”

Confession: my dog’s coat cost more than mine (hell yes being a sales freak). You’d better bet that b*tch wears it every time the temperature dips below freezing during our sad, desolate Midwestern winters. 

Came here to say this. Only wearing an article of clothing for one season is 100% immoral by any scale.

Suddenly so glad I live in a Midwestern city and work with a lot of very nice, untrendy middle aged people and can just LIVE my damn life......I started considering getting the coat last month and I guarantee you no one but me would ever recognize it here. What a peaceful existence I didn’t know I led

This article made me terribly sad. What a dumb wasteful thing to worry about. Sorry environment, we were worried about looking like a meme so we’re all dead now.

“I put it on the other day and felt really weird about it,” said Caroline Moss, a writer. “I just felt like I was putting on a meme that was done.”

I wanted this coat. BADLY, but I am not sure why.

Humanity deserves to fail if this is the philosophical quandary we’re currently faced with: whether to wear a perfectly functioning coat or not because it’s SO last season. No wonder the fashion industry is the number 2 polluter.  

For real. I live in the Midwest and I have two coats I wear all winter. One is a nicer wool coat which I can use for work. The other is a puffer coat I use when it gets deadly cold or it’s snowing. I have worn the same wool coat for 7 years and only upgraded this year because I gained some weight and it isn’t as

My mom still rocks her monstrous winter jacket from the late 80s that looks eerily like these except with a giant fake fur puffy hoodie thing that gets in your eyes if you try to use it.

I bought that coat a couple of years ago, didn’t even know it was a “thing” until this year. I replaced it this year because the stitching is trash and it was falling apart. I’ve moved on to a long coat by a snow sports company, because I live in Minnesota and we cannot fuck around.

As the most norm-core of cis-middle-age-white-guys, I can’t begin to fathom ever having even a passing thought about whether the winter coat I bought just last year was ok to wear this year too. How did it ever get to this point?