
Unfortunately, VS is the only lingerie brand in the local malls that sells my size (32DD-DDD) so my options are limited without resorting to mail order which can be $$$ with heavens knows what for fit. I wish department stores would branch out a little because I'm not that well endowed looking. 

We had a case here in Ireland a few years ago. Because of the 8th, a woman who was in a coma, and brain dead after a car accident was kept on life support til it went through the court that she should be allowed to die. She was 15 weeks pregnant. This was in the run up to Christmas and her born children suffering

Under the religious logic, viable doesn’t mean what you think it means. They operate basically on the dichotomy of dead fetus or not dead fetus. Because miracles. So they will wait up until the very last possible moment, until the mother’s life is in imminent danger, before they act. That’s the only way they can

This is an under the radar issue in WA state. Thanks to some rather large medical system mergers, for profit Catholic owned medical companies now control the majority of our hospitals and urgent care centers. Sure, this one in Bellingham has a Catholic sounding name, but Harrison Memorial Hospital in now way sounds

Hospitals can exert more pressure than you think when they want to keep you there for one reason or another, and I don’t doubt they’d lie to her face or withhold crucial information that she would need to figure out where to go and how to access care. (Anti-choice lawmakers have pushed legislation that literally

Sounds like yet another reason why the US needs universal healthcare, with government run hospitals.

At about 3 weeks pregnant (I always knew very early), I had horrendous abdominal pain. I couldn’t even stand. I was in bed, sweating, and couldn’t move. When I was sent to a (Catholic) hospital, the nurse who did my intake asked me basic questions: name, age, previous pregnancies, religion... when I mentioned I’m

There are so many words missing from those first two paragraphs it’s pretty difficult to read. How does this happen in “professional” writing?

This is my stance on it too. It’s a mildly-creepy “no means try harder” product-of-its-time song that isn’t actually any good musically or lyrically and I just don’t care either way. Yes, it’s creepy, but so are a zillion other songs out there so I don’t why this one pulls out the rabid defenders. If you’d stop

A friend of mine ate at this douchenozzle’s steakhouse for some business dinner. Ironically, her opinion was that the food needed more salt.

20 years ago you were still 50 years away from the cultural context of that song.

I’m beyond tired of the back-and-forth about the context surrounding this damn song. Yes, it’s a product of its time that sounds extremely suspect through a modern lens. My hot take: Is it just so critical to the holiday canon that we’re blind to the fact that it’s a boring song that drags itself through a repetitive

Me: defends “Baby It’s Cold Outside” as a very charming classic that isn’t rapey because it was written within a very specific context.

The song is kinda rapey

We still doing this shit with this fug’n song? Honestly we get it! The song is kinda rapey but also seems like mutal foreplay that take is so old enough already. Also how is Kelly Clarkson still puding around? Like she’s one of the lamer American Idol winners divorced from being the first nothing against her she just

Ok G/O, you got your click.

Yeah, no. If someone steals 46 MILLION DOLLARS from me, and I don’t call the cops the minute I discover the theft, that’s because I’m guilty as shit of SOMETHING and the thief has blackmail evidence.

Based on positive reports from several friends, and on my initial dealings with him, I believed I could trust him.

My heart aches for his victims, but what can I, a simple billionaire, with access to resources beyond comprehension possibly do to help?  Alas, i shall return to my palatial estate and wallow in my sorrow.   Woe, woe is me!