
It is not smart to refuse business so that’s why racists and similar had laws enacted so everyone had to historically. Their own choice to do so would leave a hole in the market for someone else to fill, so they got a law.

He’s not in the charity business nor does he work for the government. He just wants to get paid. He's not obligated to help anyone.

You are somebody... as long as you’re in the phonebook.

If it weren’t for Forza, maybe he would have learned not to drive so damned fast in the rain.

Yes..... Plus they studied where the other guys went wrong so they know how to avoid those problems using a much better magic financial model

Why are socialists convinced that the only reason anyone doesn’t support socialism is because they ‘don’t understand what it means’ and need to ‘do their research’?

Whats there to understand? Hes a self avowed Socialist. What are YOU failing to understand? Is it his government overreach? Taxation of anyone who has done well for themselves? His support for people who decide not to better themselves on the governments dime through handouts of healthcare, college, etc?

This reminds me of the picture of coal union guys wearing “We support Obama” shirts.

The comments section is where Gawker writers learn about their topics

You’re way too reasonable to hang around these parts, man.

Is that annually? If so, that doesn’t seem too crazy. That would mean someone with a $50K job could afford to buy a $5K car each year, or have a new car with $400/mo of payments. Sounds about right.

Wait, it sounds like you may be misinterpreting that advice. Are you sure it isn't that the cost of your car annually should exceed 10% of your income? For instance, if you make 50k a year, your vehicle shouldn't cost you more than 5k a year overall... Which would be $416 per month. That sounds much more reasonable.


Never learned to read music, but... that looks like it could be part of a song.

The 1.4T MultiAir get’s up to 41 MPG. It’s a decent little motor, same one as in the Abarth.

You asked for it.

To be fair, that isn’t really quite the same animal. I would pay a few pennies more for the one in your picture vs this one.

Now playing

“I actually despise, Mad Max: Fury Road”. It’s strange to read these words on Jalopnik. Mad Max 1 and 4 are about pure “car” as any movie can possibly be. Someone would prefer watching Paul Walker talking about his exhaust manifold blowing off as the floor falls out of the car than watch scenes like:

Horsey sauce is where it’s at, poser.

“Yes. I would like a large Jamocha shake, Large Curly fries and extra packets of Arby’s sauce. Thanks”