
When Charter schools do badly, they get their charter revoked. Unlike public schools. But, I’m sure that whole “Waiting for Superman” movie just used actors.

I stand corrected on the first part.

Somethings like : health insurance premiums have continued to rise faster than worker wages under obamacare?

28 million people are still uninsured or don’t have health insurance. The average rate of increase has been lower? Bullshit. Show me the facts on that.Not only have premiums increased, deductibles have increased. Most people on the fringe choose to pay the penalty because it is cheaper than paying for insurance.

Happy Festivus!!

Both candidates sucked. Only one has actually committed a felony and caused the death of Americans in order to cover up weapons dealings.

Do you want to break down where the Democrats fail in science in those areas?

Your map is based on people receiving government money. This includes social security, which surprisingly, a lot of retired people receive. A lot of retired people move south when they retire and get their social security payments, surprisingly, where they live.

Also, some people like to retire in places where the

“Why? You think conservatives are going to take care of renewable energy, civil rights, and anti-discrimination laws?”

Nobody wants to retire in the North East.

Oh! Those are the best! People who have ideas about ideas and catchy phrases and such. Makes me want to sit on the couch with a warm cup of cocoa and just enjoy the hope.

By making their health insurance costs skyrocket and killing their jobs with tons of government regulations?

Wait, so only 1 previously appointed person who was previously appointed to a job similar to the one appointed to? That’s crazy! And, yeah, what the hell do billionaires know about running anything. We should leave it to the politicians and their political degrees. Or the lawyers, they’ve been doing a bang up job

War deaths, the debt and spending are back en vogue for complaints again. Funny that.

It is crazy nuts! He could have his entire cabinet confirmed a month before he even swears into office. The madness!!! What did we do before?!?! We are 3 weeks out!! 3 weeks! He needs to get on the ball and at least announce 1 cabinet position by week 3, like Obama did. And he’s only announced a handful...sure,

I believe he’s telling the people that if they want to make more money for their lack of skill, they should look at other jobs.

They are actually benefiting the taxi unions. Which is ironic, because the unions base their pay off of the minimum wage, which is why they are helping push the Fight for $15 bullshit.

Actually, just staying in school (not college) and not having children before marriage, increases your chances of not being poor significantly.

So, basically, since dropouts are decreasing, it is showing that kids who aren’t held back and finally dropout, aren’t any smarter if they stay in. However, you said dropouts are decreasing, yet scores are increased from the 80s and 90s. Which would mean that with more tests, the average is increasing, so even with

“Flat test scores? How can you even compare test scores over such a long period of time when education and curiculums have changed so much?”