
‘Murica Fuck Yeah!


I’ll leave this right here

no I work out my white guilt through self-flagellation and voting for democrats

Is this a White Guilt thing? Why do people want to remove people from everything? I guess in their perfect world robots are watching robot cars race and all humans are dead as dead. Fuck that shit. AI is extremely dangerous to humans, but you brainwashed kids don’t get it because in all your stupid movies the humans

Mater should have been given the “lovely day” line.

The next one was a big one and thirty yards long — a coach built limoship and obviously designed with one aim in mind, that of making the beholder sick with envy. The paintwork and accessory detail clearly said ‘Not only am I rich enough to afford this ship, I am also rich enough not to take it seriously.’ It was

Worst forum shit storm ever seen? Easy. Go to any thread on Gawker or Jezebel, make a comment where you might appear to not be a left wing liberal nut job. You could tell them the sky is blue. However, if they even THINK you are a Republican (even if thats not the case), not only is the sky NOT blue, but you are an

Dare I say it is too wide and the wheels are wrong?

Coming next, Dyson space ship.

It’s a beautiful limo. The most beautiful limo, really. It is so much more beautiful than other limos that if it weren’t his car, he’d probably date it.

Am I the only one concerned that this is going to lead to people neglecting following distance, as they can now shove responsibility off to a computer? Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad thing?

I can tell you the unintended consequence right now: pedestrians deliberately stopping cars and jaywalking with impunity.

I give it an NP because I think you could buy this in St. Louis, drive it down to spring break in Florida, party for a few weeks, have it detailed and turn a profit selling it to some old guy like my father* who wants to relive his youth, hardest part will be finding someone who’s hip can still allow them to shift a

You get a star for the tactful use of an old Jalop meme.


I had a ‘91 (pop-up headlights FTW!) that I fell head over heals in love with. That thing broke down all-the-time but like all mitsubishis it fun on 4 wheels when it was running. After its last malfunction (ECU and turbo bearings) I kept it in the garage for a few years but never got around to fixing it. I finally

When my buddy Tyler and I wanted to take the trip of a lifetime, we spent $700 and bought a 1979 Dodge Van. Not a minivan. A goddamn van. After putting about $200 into getting it running right, we drove this thing up the entire Pacific Coast Highway. (Mind you, this was when gas cost quite a bit more, and this van

I own a minivan and I approve this message.