
All service animals should be kept in cargo. You ain’t fucking walking on no plane. Any if you need them to calm yourself, you shouldn’t be taking a flight anyway. It is always the same thing. You set something up to help and people abuse it. Like handicapped parking. If it is that hard for you to walk you should have

Take drivetrain from Omni; put it in brown wagon pictured; Jalops NP @ $20k.

See my comment above. My Mom’s 88 1/2 had velour sport seats with actual side bolsters, a stereo with digital tuning(!!!), and a 2.2 liter 4 cylinder that actually had some pep. Compared to our Chevette (my Dad’s car) it was a revelation. The first “new” car I remember my parents buying. It died its death in 1999 when

Aaron just might drive up there and slap the shit out of you if you’re insinuating that he is a hipster.

1. As an Uber driver, his movements are tracked, because he needs to be accessible to people who need a ride nearby.

The climate’s been continuously changing on Earth for eons. The fact that current upswings in temperature and CO2 (which are still extremely low by historical standards) is happening during our particular era doesn’t prove a causal relationship with the burning of fossil fuels.

Now playing

In the immortal words of the warthog.... BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRTTTT.

There is a difference between denying climate change and disagreeing over the causes. Most Conservatives accept climate change, they just know that its too early in the research phase to claim the causes.

Where's your anti-Steyer, Soros, and Buffet articles????????

I’m surprised no one else noticed it. Right at about 17 seconds, a pelican flew across the track. Frankly, it was masterful driving to avoid the bird and not write off the car.

I suspect this is “bullshit about the kids real age to get attention” magic. I’m guessing they’re both smaller kids 4-6 in age.

The 10% reduction in 2015 was due to supply issues, the plant was shut down for almost 2 months to retool for the new van. Also, 500k is a hell of a lot of sales, most companies (including FCA) spend that much money on cars that won’t even sell half that.

I’m pretty sure this is a quote from an Eisenhower biography.

Posted this elsewhere but I’ll post it here:

Until the solve the clean energy production process it does not matter how many electric cars on the road if you are burning oil or nuclear. Wind and solar are just not there yet.

I am, in fact, one of those haters.