
Nope. The one on the right is bronzer.

Can you put plywood flat in it like the Sienna, Odyssey, and Caravan. No? Fuck them then! A proper mini van not only can haul 8 to 9 adults comfortably and can haul 4' X 8' plywood flat with other supplied to build a tree fort plus tow a small Airstream without breaking a sweat. Real men buy minivans, fake men buy big

No sliding doors = sucks as a minivan. It’s pretty much the number one benefit of owning one. So why purchase something that looks like a minivan such as this does, if you don’t get the benefit?

People just want to dive in here and hate on flyover country or anyone who doesn’t agree with the zeitgeist of Gawker Dogma with accusations of being poorly-educated, three-toothed, racist, gun-slinging rednecks who wouldn’t know what’s best for them if BHO himself rammed it up their buttholes.

How can you trust anything that doesn’t exist yet?

Yes. To your entire comment.

Chrysler Conquest, oh how I love thee, let me count the number of times you almost killed me with oversteer....

Time to end the trickle up/down tax-related subsidies.

how exactly does one sustainably source rocks?... do they plant new ones?


Nay, my good man, ‘tis surely a production of the Bugatti organization!

I say, gentlemen, I’m fairly confident that motorcar is a Lambo.

One time, my fiance and I were driving our nice new Dodge Ram through a bit of a thunderstorm...

Drop the mike. Story’s over.

I’m gonna say it was the 1966 Super Wagoneer that started it all. It was basically the luxury version of the standard Wagoneer and had air conditioning, an automatic transmission, power brakes, power steering, a tilt steering wheel and a push-button radio.

It was the bee’s knees.

Plus, they’ve showed these things traveling inside atmospheres of planets, which makes even less sense.

Get out out of here with your science and sound in a vacuum talk.

The biggest fallacy is the need for wings at all. For wings to have any effect, they need to move through air.

I’ve never seen someone go to such great lengths to be so wrong. I applaud your clarity in your wrongness and look forward to further very bad opinions.

Star Wars seems to be defined by basic physics at least a little bit”