
From now on, I'm going to end all my stories with "and they all lived happily ever After. Mangusta."

Any chance any of these next movies will have the slightest scintilla of an original story? Or are we to just guess what extant materials Cameron will be poaching?

You keep going after Lang until he gives up his red sash or dies wearin' it.

I can't believe this movie is already in the making.

Sigh. Bring back the 80s, Lamborghini.

If it does, and you don't buy it, it doesn't, because you didn't buy it because it did but because you didn't buy it it doesn't.

Do you ever feel a-SHANE-ed of yourself for asking odd questions?

Ambivalence. I has it.

You didn't have to be tuned in to the channel you were recording, you could watch something else, that was the revelation of the VCR. Not to mention the ability to rent movies was a godsend. To be fair, VHS was a demonstrably inferior picture quality to Betamax, but VHS won the format war because it could hold more

I am fighting the urge to post "Pretty sure that's a Lambo Dude!" on every single post on the page

I mean, anyone could just stroll up and virtually sit in every one.

I thought this was the most American Lamborghini ever built. It even has a genuine 'murican V8!

Hmmm - it occurs to me this would be an effective (and cheap?) way to film a wild alien world - that or a War Against the Chtorr type thing.

Road trip?

Maximilian sad.

Modern artists of this caliber remind me of the perfect Marketing Manager that can truly sell utter BS to his benefactors and get away with it.

And it's over ...

amiright? babe. either way.

"If he had, it probably wouldn't have worked."