
Who knew Karl Hess also umpired football?

Don't forget to mention the delay of game NC State got called for when the ref delayed the game.

I have a feeling we'll never see a remake. It's too...cerebral, too introspective (even with the robot shootouts) for today's blockbusters.

Might get that in the reboot movie Disney is supposedly working on. I guess I was one of the few that liked the original. Hopefully the reboot will do it justice.

The Jeepers Creepers truck is pretty damn menacing.

Bullitt- Charger

Bargained for? That's the biggest farce going. Public union "negotiations" consist of public employees deciding with other public employees how much money they're going to take from the actual revenue generating tax payer. The people actually paying the bills didn't have much say in the matter, and guess what they

I will make it even more concise - one word in fact:

Don't feel bad. An 8 year old me tried to convince my parents that selling their house would almost cover the cost of a Countach. God I was a stupid kid.

Exactly. Anyone who has half a clue about the back story would know that the V8 interceptor fits the plot perfectly. It's woven into the plot and there is nothing else Max would go out into the wastelands with.

The car was built by the MEP mechanic in the first movie, "Mad Max". As a police mechanic's project car fuel

Someone already stole the Ferrari from Ferris Bueller, so I'll nominate another John Hughes moment.

If they're going to remake anything, remake The Warriors, but in a post-apocalyptic NYC.

Other NATO countries can join, but only if they start making significant contributions to NATO.

Age isn't everything. These 60 year-old planes are still deadly, deadly.

Am I the only on that thinks the Everest looks like a Cherokee and Durango made a baby?

Hey Elon, um gunna letcha finish, but there's gunna be a new Lambo coming out.

I was going to say the opposite!

Idiocracy isn't where we're GOING.

It's where we ARE.

1st:) It's probably a good thing otherwise Apple would sue every other car manufacturer for using their "game changing" round wheel design...

I am skeptical of assuming behavior exhibited during a Monopoly game corresponds directly with behavior in the real world. People playing Monopoly know that it's a game, and that there are no real consequences for what happens - therefore, they are likely to be more competitive and success-flaunting than they would