
Put flame throwers and spikes on the cars?

Um....are you saying that the Muira concept had an engine at the front end instead of the other end, like the original Muira?

I see YOUR Viper dressed up and provide the ACTUAL Viper dressed up as a Chrysler concept. The Chrysler 300.

Says right there on the vehicle, Ram. What else is he supposed to do with it?

Thanks for the correction.

Cannonball Run was my first thought as well.

Technically, Chrysler owned half of Diamond-Star motors, hence the name. The cars were built in Normal, Illinois, but the engines had the Mistubishi stamp on them. Honestly, the Stealth RT was the better looking of the twins. And the Eagle Talon was the better looking of the triplets.

If you used your brake, then you would lose too much momentum and just fall down the slope.

Damn hipsters!

The lowest prices for gold in the 1990s was still higher than the highest price for gold in the 1970s and the end of the Gold Standard.

I took from the video that he “collected” the silver that he melted. He didn’t melt the ones he had bought. While, he only had a little nugget of gold, he could probably collect more computer parts/circuit boards/etc and refine more gold from that. Sure, it might take awhile, but he wouldn’t have to spend money on it.

“the award you’d have to craft might make you bankrupt!”

Byrd was a Democrat until the day his KKK Grand Dragon racists self died. The Democrats never changed, only the story that they lie about. The Civil Rights legislation was pushed through by Republicans in the 60s. The Democrats were still Democrats. Only one Democrat changed to a Republican and that was Strom

Please re-read my post and the one above by Jimmy Joe Meeker.

So, the accident was off at a safe distance, so she was no longer in peril. And, most likely she wasn’t going to get a ride from the tow truck operator, since his truck would not have been handicapped accessible.

Of if that “protected class” is discriminating against a non-protected class.

I’m not a libertarian. I’m just a person who believes in freedom.

Yup. Crony Capitalism isn’t the free market.

Why are they only using 1 lane? If they are being escorted out, shouldn’t they use all lanes to get everyone out?

If he equally refuses to do business with a Sanders supporter, regardless of disability, he’s practicing his right of free association.