
Can you not read the index?

I don’t see how this could constitute an emergency, if she called the service. If she called the police and the policeman on the scene called for the tow, then I don’t think he could refuse at that point. Maybe.

Here ya go. A nice copy and paste. This is how I responded to the other moron. You must be kin.

The ADA does not force someone to provide a service.

I believe that private businesses should be able to sell their product and services to whomever they wish. I believe that consumers can buy from whomever they wish. I don’t believe that businesses should be forced to do business nor that consumers should be forced to buy.

So, the real question is, if he towed her, would she then “go and sin no more”?

And, it should be thrown out of court.

You don’t know Asheville.

Pffft... whatever.

I’m guessing they realized they don’t have to partner with Apple when they can partner with the company that already powers their Infotainment system.

Not as dumb as your response.

What? They have all that free time now, in order to try and get education in some “new energy” field order to find a new job in those small towns of West Virginia.

All socialists are stereotypical socialists. They believe their form of socialism will work, because they’ve got better people than the other form of socialism had.

So, the 4th place “winner” who crashed his drone still got $25k

Yup, that’s what my dad gets on his trips.


“Part of the design change involves removing the DB9's B-pillar, which actually makes me question why it was there to begin with.”

Okay, I must see the finished product.

Pureed hookers?

Looks like someone tried to make a Grand Wagoneer and gave up halfway.