
I’ve made a terrible mistake.

Well, at least it didn’t end like an article that belonged on Jezebel


The story was dull and Max was not Max.

So, we are still not sure, like I said (although in a poorly worded sentence).

The building catching on fire for no reason was worse.

Whew! Not a real Countach.

Einstein believed gravity pushed things down.

Front cabin divider?

Question: Why do you need a firewall if you don’t have an internal combustion engine to protect yourself from?

Skip the talking parts. Stay for the vehicle carnage.

Welp, now they’ll be late for that Billion Dollar Wedding.

That time Jalopnik screwed over everyone by switching the layout of the sites and then changed the comment section and all the people who had previously good standing were reduced to just ghost commentors.

Hell, I would just hold the light while you take the pictures if it paid enough.

I actually think it will be a large cleaning vehicle myself.

It was California’s attempt to stick it to the Italians for keeping all the good fashions in New York.

So, you don’t know what the hooks on the back of the front row seats are for?

I don’t know, looks like the jump went fine, he missed the turn by hitting the fence.

Yup....not exactly what I want.

Okay, I’ll let you have the hairpin point.