
This made me guffaw, loudly, and startle my dog. Wonderful!

This reminds me of how mad I got when I first experienced the toll roads of the Northeast. We don't have them where I grew up and I didn't know they even existed/felt very victimized and weird. Not to mention the panic after you drive through the turnstile and there is that 200 meter no-lane free for all! I got over

Wow. If he was my dad, I would have gotten married somewhere in Alberta, too.

I am snorting through my nose with laughter at this story. I sound disgusting, in fact. I especially love "Some people can hold a grudge like it's their job." In my family, we call those people relatives...Uncle Joe, is that you?

And you know, that's why I don't get all the judgement. I'm not a superstitious person but, I like to think of myself of capable of —- mercy? grace? I don't really know the word for it. Empathy? These comments leave me reeling. They almost make me feel like it brings bad luck (I know it doesn't, truly, I'm not that

but the end result was that he decided to boycott THE ENTIRE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA

Made from wild cereals, cloudwater, and artisanal yeast cultures, the bread is then lightly toasted on the hot stones of the Halema'uma'u Crater.

This needs a bump. If, as this article states, there is no outbreak of BSE in cows (which would legit be terrifying in the US), then this is just a recall due to procedural precedent, and no real need to worry exists.

but happy note, prions cant be cooked off. :(

Right? How do people get through family events/holidays without the glass of wine? My family is pretty conservative, and they certainly are not doing shots and getting trashed but I can't imagine telling them it was inappropriate to have wine in front of kids.

Yeah, I've seen articles online though that say that even ONE DRINK will make your kids into raging alcoholics. I don't get it.

We almost always serve beer and/or wine at family get-togethers. There are kids from toddler age to high school there. Never seemed strange to me. How are you supposed to model responsible drinking if you treat it like something to keep hidden?

God people are such assholes. As so many others have said in this post, COMMON. SENSE. Get some.

But more importantly, her self-indulgence is displayed because she KNEW it was illegal!. Like a texter, or someone who does a u-turn when she thinks no one is watching, she knew it was illegal (even if she didn't agree with the law) and did it anyway and then is upset because the law was implemented? I don't

I read her essay and found it captivating. I left my son in the car once while running into get coffee. I could see him and it took maybe 5 minutes. I told my parents about it and they were in a tizzy—not because something could have happened to him but because someone could have seen and confronted me it called the

People forget that dead babies are a risk of childbirth. Just like we've forgotten the risks of childhood infectious disease like measles and mumps, we forget that the "natural" way was also more dangerous.

I'm due to have a baby in a few days using a midwife in a hospital. Here's the deal: it takes any reasonably intelligent human being ONE SINGLE ENCOUNTER with fear of losing your child to appreciate modern medicine and know that your choices should be about protecting your kid, not having your dream birth. I've had

"Our presence at these births is going to make them far safer than if they were doing it on their own,"