
This particular researcher also has a pet bias towards his autism = excessive maleness theory. As a person who studied science-y things in college, I get where you are coming from, but in autism research there has been pretty good evidence that autism is expressed very differently in girls and this has been largely

It's not that the situation couldn't happen it's how it's written about. No guy that is a macho dick enough to suggest such a thing in the first place then goes on to turn into a such a sniveling bitch about the situation. The one thing in particular is him writing the detailed account of the other guy and that

I also live in Canada, and I am thrilled to think that perhaps this mailbox thing is also the case here, and I've been breaking the law constantly without even giving a shit.

"Putting anything in a resident's mailbox without paying postage is a federal offense"

As someone who actually studies the science of how to teach people, all this common-core hate is bullshit. When we were in school, all we were taught was how to add and multiply, like a cook book. We never learned why we were doing it, and that made more advanced math a lot more difficult than it should have been.

My favorite was the footage of all the gun nut followers crouching in ditches with guns waiting for the feds to descend and arrest Bundy, as though that wasn't the wet dream they've been waiting for. I wonder if it was hard to lay on the ground sniper-style with the erections they all had from anticipating a

No, they don't give you even an unofficial diagnosis of endo because nothing else fits. My doc was pretty sure I had it, but was very clear that he could not be official about it until they actually looked inside me.

I believe that is what he said when he got called out. What he said on the air was "Everything you mentioned, everything you mentioned, are things that actually aren't discernibly pathological." Endo is absolutely discernibly pathological. And to my understanding it's only "hard to diagnosis" in the sense that it's

second Physicians Formula. I generally like most of their powders & shizz & i also have combo skin. Green powder/cream will def help, but also try some of the tinted moisturizers and/or BB/CC creams. but only apply foundation/ concealer to problem area. don't cover your whole face. for me most foundations are a little

Absolute BULLSHIT. PURE BULLSHIT. She was drinking. They know where she was driving from. How much she drank is being debated and will be discussed in civil court. Husband is a Police officer. No breath test demanded - contrary to police procedures in Ontario in the event of a motor vehicle accident causing death.

That Redditor forgot to include the parts where Sharlene Simon was speeding when she hit the boys as well as possibly texting, and that she was allowed to be driven home by her police offer husband without taking a breathalyzer...

Yeah, this is more in the Rob Ford wheelhouse.

Don't forget to mention the part where her husband is a police officer and was driving behind her that night!

Yes. Hopefully a big one.

Years back when my cute little new black car was new and shiny, I had a pack of crows that used to attack it. I'd look out the window of the house to see these birds just going to town attacking the back bumper and the hood of the car. Scratched the car up like crazy, I'd have to run out and shoo them off. Then I had
