
This Jez blog reads like it’s not just the private equity firm that underestimated her and Jez is finally figuring out what the rest of the world did ages ago - including those of us who aren’t fans of her music at all but still respect the hell out of her. You’d think a supposedly feminist blog would have better

Anna is a living SUNBEAM, and an American Treasure. Chris Pratt must be stopped before he ruins everything that Millennials love and Gen Z already derides.

Pratt Wife 2.0 looks at Chris the same way my sister’s dog looks at me when I have Beggin Strips in my hand.

Is Reese Witherspoon’s comment bad? Seems like a good starter list to me

A few things to add color to the discussion:

So the UK is in the middle of what I can honestly say is the most bizarre scandal I’ve ever known in my nearly two decades of watching British politics, aptly named CumGate.

(Staten Island is largely Republican, unlike the rest of the city)

Drink bleach, Boomer.

Goodness this is awful but makes sense. The fewer people in the hospital, the better.

Well, apparently the shelter in place hammer will be coming down any minute in Seattle because a bunch of spectacular assholes decided to congregate at Alki Beach en masse and who knows how many cases are going to come out of that.

I wonder if this will finally get Jez writers to stop posting such shitty articles about TS...

I’ve been pregnant, and pregnancies go on FOREVER. Especially towards the end when every minute feels like an eternity. I didn’t even get very sick, poor Kate Middleton had extreme morning sickness. Child birth is no picnic, but at least it’s only a few hours (if you’re lucky). Not an endless, neverending eternity of

That’s such a common and disgusting argument. And, like most pro-rape arguments, never seems to pop up in other crimes (or if it pops up, it's as an aggravating factor!).

Correct answer: When the responding officer arrived at the scene, he took one look at Suzy and decided that based on her appearance she must have been asking for it. Based on this assumption, he never offered to collect a rape kit. He gathered no physical evidence, made one attempt to get a copy of the video from the

That’s... all of Star Wars, though? To the point where Mel Brooks made a parody in which “merchandise” is yelled a lot.

Werner Herzog’s passionate and vocal adoration for Baby Yoda is the wholesome content I’ve been waiting all year for. (Even if he is probably otherwise not a very nice person to work with/for.)

Beautifully written in its minimilist style, beautiful directon (can’t wait for Obi Wan series), beautiful shot composition, some great Baby Yoda moments, Carl Weathers just being Carl Weathers, epic forging scene, big damn hero moments with the entire Mandalorian clan helping their bro out, “I got to get me one of

Im all for Sesame Street running on HBO for the first six months if it allows them to continue to make products like this.

At about 3 weeks pregnant (I always knew very early), I had horrendous abdominal pain. I couldn’t even stand. I was in bed, sweating, and couldn’t move. When I was sent to a (Catholic) hospital, the nurse who did my intake asked me basic questions: name, age, previous pregnancies, religion... when I mentioned I’m