
Oh my god. Yes, especially to 2 and 3. My toxic friend would do the monologuing thing for hours. When I finally wised up to what was going on, I would just sit the phone down while I was doing things around the house and come back like 5 minutes later and she was still going.

I did the exact same thing to a toxic friend, and got the same reaction. I have a feeling that my toxic friend's attitude has cost her friends before, too.

When I had to "break up" with a toxic friend a little a while ago, it was two things: constant negativity and the need to be overly involved in too many aspects of my life. Anytime I did anything without her, like go out to lunch with another friend, there would be loads of questions about it. At one point, I swear to

Yep, I agree with this. I had a toxic friendship that had to end recently, and I think talking to her actually helped things for me but not so much her. She didn't really change and just went on and on about how I hurt her when I did talk to her that it didn't sink in. I finally decided she just really enjoys being

I love that idea! Though, I agree with JaneLane, I'm not sure it's ever going to happen. Congrats on paying yours off!

The 13 year old inside me wants it, too. Nice handle, btw. Best Brand New album.

I'm still in love with Josh Lyman, too. Ugh.

Oh, that's a good point. Yep, all mine are in their 20's or nearly 30. It's too damn late.

My cousin posted the same thing, and guess what? Unfriended. Same thing to this super religious girl I went to high school with that posted the same bullshit. I can't control how other people think, but I can control what pops up on my newsfeed. I don't come to facebook to connect to religious psycho babble; I come to

We're celebrating Christmas with my bf's family. I'm trying to hold it in, but if I see one more picture of some poor, scared little kid, I'm going to lose it. I just feel so terrible for those involved.

Oh. My. God. Thank you for sharing this. I almost fell out of my chair laughing. If it makes you feel better, I also have gotten that drunk, though, thankfully, only Mr. LizzSook had to witness it.

Good for you! I'm about an hour from OK and it is generally pretty awful. Though MO is just as bad, too

I forgot about the truck thing! Ugh....

You have to go to Hogwarts to enroll in it.

Yes, and she's a TEACHER. Guess what, you're supposed to give a damn about people when you go into that profession. At least, that's why I do it and why most of the teachers I know do it. I mean, you have to have a little bit of heart for someone because god knows the money isn't there.

Even my students have started to notice something is wrong with me. And I teach freshmen level comp, so half the time they don't even know my name to drop off stuff at my mailbox. I feel you. I seriously can't read anything about voter suppression anymore or I'm going to flip my shit. I really hope this election opens

I just watched it for the first time tonight, and I think I like it.

Well, according to my conflicting views of Baptist parents, it depends on which branch of Baptist you are if that you're always Christian. Freewills believe that you can not be Baptist if you fuck up real bad. Southerns believe that you are always Baptist, no matter what you do as long as you've been baptized. I've

Yes, agreed. I wouldn't have considered myself a feminist until I was in graduate school and read texts by feminist writers. Then, I was all, "Oh, shit. So this is why I think the way I do!" I think she's young and probably hasn't been exposed to the things that make women feminists. I mean, she's been a celeb since

Well, everyone would think the wearer was a giant turd, not only because it's racist, but it looks like a giant poop.