
I don't mean to sound cruel or unfeeling, nor am I at all interested in a debate about abortion, but let's just be honest here.

I am not very much pro-choice. I am completely pro-choice. I don't think a woman should ever be forced to undergo a procedure that will likely kill her to safeguard a fetus. If it is out in the world, it is a child. If it is in a womb, it is a fetus. In my world view, woman will always trump fetus.

Ok, the line that gets me is under the religion section. "Our country was founded on Christian-Judean principles. In fact, our Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom of religion."

As a gynecist, insult-babies are the only babies I don't murder.

Gynecism promotes the political position that the primary and most essential power a female can hold is the control of her own sexual and genital functions.

Oh, that tired old trope again about how women only want to "settle down" and men only want to fuck. Yawn.

My lovebird does this, though thankfully he's too tiny to push over a cup of water. Mostly, he seems to like throwing makeup off my dresser to flaunt his dominance over gravity. "Yes! Fall! Like I NEVER do!"

You could be a love potion, drawing men to you all night long. (Bonus: this also has witchy qualities and can be interpreted very loosely.) Though that would require a lot of pink/red/purple clothing, which I personally had in large supply as a child and am now kind of lacking in.

LOL, I remember worrying about getting old at 29 and then things in my life got better. At 50 I might want to feel, physically, like I did at 30, but the thought of being 17 with all the drama has NO appeal what so ever.

Um yeah, that one got to me the worst because it was just real. There was nothing paranormal about it. Not okay.

My sister and I were going through things and she randomly started laughing and said, "James won't like this".

I think this needs to replace the story in the original post because OMG that is amazing. Also, don't know if you've just perfected that story from telling it a million times, but that was well told.

I bet that neighbor woke up the next day, saw that towel, and thought WHAT IN THE FUCK??????!!!! OR his dog brought it inside and got your liquids all over the place. One time, my friend got super drunk, puked all over the bathroom and passed out. Later, he woke up on the bathroom floor where he'd been all night, only

wow you are a SAINT

I'm not, like, entirely not serious, but it kind of seems like maybe you're taking it sort of far?

Oh God...This story brings SO many memories. Here it goes:

I lived in a regular middle class neighborhood in GA, median home price was like 150 (that's a lot of house in GA circa 1990s), but there was a nearby neighborhood where the home prices were 500+. It was common knowledge that going there was the way to hit candy jackpot. We went there once and it was no joke —

I passed out candy for the first time as an adult last year and it was SO FUN. So many little Spidermen. So many sweet princesses. So much candy. Halloween is the BEST.

That guy doesn't even use words!

"Tell me what it was like the first time that you first laid eyes on Angelina. Was it like one of those classical love stories like, I don't know, when Ross first saw Rachel?"