
I know I might be in the minority here but I don't think Juliette Lewis is a good singer at all. I cringe.

lol! tell me you're, like, twelve (because my daughter wouldn't know this either).

True but I was thinking about Kao specifically since it's usually a smaller company that'll buy a cast-off brand and try to build their market share with that (for example when P&G sold Icy Hot to Chattem many years ago). Kao was on a buying spree a while back but I haven't followed them recently. They just popped

Yeah I wonder if Kao may snap up some of these brands.

I would love for a guy to wear a tank top and no socks with his shoes. Because that appears perfectly acceptable.

That's my shirt. Dammit.

I here I was practicing my dramatic reading of Gonzaga vs Marquette.

I would suggest to your sister that whenever her son has a tantrum in a public place she physically removes him and takes him home, no matter where they are or what they're doing. Explain that if you "describe unacceptable behavior here" I will take you home. Then do it. NO explanation needed. Just pick him up and

Exactly! Also keep in mind that your child is a human person with a developing brain. In your case he's been alive on this earth two whole years. Two years. Basically for him every day is a new day. So that thing you told him not to do yesterday, he probably forgot. Or he's in the zone, and forgot. Or he's

You realize that he's mouthy to you because you're mouthy to him. Seriously, try talking to him like a normal person, you'll notice a huge difference. And at 4 yrs old you should be brushing his teeth with him to make sure that he does it properly and, you know, interacting nicely with your kid in general.

you're a fake troll, right?

guilty of this!

Exactly! I'm one of "those" people that chat up the mechanics while they're changing the oil (making sure that the filter is changed as well). I'm sure they hate that, but I'm polite ans ask very relevant car questions :)

My panties would definitely fly off if I knew for sure he was into that sort of thing happening with women.

This vaguely reminds me of Mr. & Mrs. Smith. In which case I think Bard and Angie need to reprise their roles or maybe do this one!

And that creepy, cackling laugh will haunt me in my dreams. Thanks.

My insides are pickled from all the vodka.

This is written in some sort of code that I'm supposed to decipher, correct?

"He asks 'has she been watered today?'"

Alternatively, how does someone like me not have $1.4 million to spend?