"lub dub " to be "luh Ubb dub"
"lub dub " to be "luh Ubb dub"
sex things you say?
giggle. jock straps. They've been replaced by compression shorts. Probably when cigarettes were $25 a carton. lol!! :)
In 1958 where he mentally resides?
Perhaps include a picture of you enjoying your lobster and beer.
Yeah he was messing with you and you probably suspected that he would based on your observation of his friend's reaction to the shenanigans. I look at these types of situations as a way to test my mental acuity. To be sharper and more on-point than the guy and no sense in letting a good evening be adversely affected…
That's what she said.
Why did you let him get to you like that? Toss your hair and give him a flirty retort. Then walk away with a smile.
Craigslist? What? Sweet jeebus no. CL is the cesspool of social interaction.
Seriously, and when the ratio is 4 guys to 1 girl and you're not all legal consenting adults in a MMM4W situation then don't have the sex. No matter what. Regardless.
........replied to the wrong comment
Seriously, and when the ratio is 4 guys to 1 girl and you're not all legal consenting adults in a MMM4W situation then don't have the sex. No matter what. Regardless.
Spend more time on the clit is, in general, sound advice.
Seriously. There are so many better options for a body like that.
The most empowering thing I did was run a CL ad. It was awesome and yielded three good catches (after sorting through the 100+ responses) . After that OKC. Tinder is ok but I just haven't vibed with the guys there.
Happened to me. I found myself single after 15 yrs of marriage and I have no desire at the moment to re-marry. I'm really enjoying the single life, the sense of freedom, and the excitement of dating. Perhaps I'll commit to a relationship when I'm older, and I mean retirement age ;) but not at this time.
I agree with you completely. I'm at a place in my life where I have no interest in a committed relationship. I have lovers instead (not one night hook-ups, consistent lovers). It's nice and satisfies my need for intimacy without any real commitment.
Promiscuity to me implies casual hook-up sex. Poly is a bit different. Having two or three lovers just suits some people's needs. It also doesn't imply any lack of emotional connection either since I think it's possible to be emotionally connected to more than one person.