
phrases like "nonconsensual sex" and "legitimate rape" make "om nom nom" sound brilliant. literally.

So is he single or what.

It's going to be apparent that I live in a cave when I admit this, but I have no idea who Steve Harvey is.

hey this looks like my 15 yr old child!

not only that but also a crime of fashion for wearing what appears to be a table cloth tucked under her chin

In this case doesn't anyone think he was ribbing her athlete-to-athlete not fat shaming her? to me he's acknowledging the only way he could beat her is when she's not in top shape. her side eye says that she can beat him any day, any time, whatever.

or not have a cat #teamdog

Death Trap Fucking is my new band name

it's not true. the huffpo article is blather. the psyc post only discusses the friendzone situations that create imbalances in relationships. unfortunately not much discussion is given to the alternatives.

seriously, then I'm a dude trapped inside a woman's body

what exactly are the conventional dating arenas? for me, all I've ever used are the online sites, Tinder and the like. I love it. I'm not at a point in my life where I'm wanting to settle down so these sites are perfect for me.

I'm just not digging the red lipstick. otherwise a good video.

I wear my hair in a pixie now and I'm probably old enough to be your mom. older sister. :)

I'm old enough to theoretically have given birth to her and as with my own children would love to record this and play it back when she's older. and we can all have a good laugh.

the murdered child story tops my list (She Never Left My House)

one year my witch costume was so badass that small children repeatedly asked their parents if I was real. and didn't believe them when they said no ("are you SURE she's not real?"). I enjoy men.

meh. Bottom of the Stairs is a Day in the Life of a Realtor. nothing to see here. I can't believe it made the list.

snow on Halloween is so wrong I just can't explain it

good stories except the vacant house story. It was basically an abandoned house that had been squatted in. I've shown properties like this. The most disturbing part is finding the children's toys among the rubble and you wonder who in fact squatted here and hope to god there weren't really any children.

Roy is my favorite