
yeah to kidding. that one could've ended way worse

why? I grew up in a bar. What's the problem?

and those puppy dog eyes. they're going to freeze like that.

It's never happened but if it did I would just roll my eyes and shake my head and grin because it's really his problem not mine.

seriously, I have never done this.

I know I'm on the wrong side of this but I just don't really get upset with these guys. The guys that call out "hey beautiful" make me smile. The guys that said "hey there's a thousand dollars" would've received "hey you mean priceless" and a hand way and a smile from me. The silent guy walking beside me gets the

I can't believe he'd be such a douche on okc. what was he thinking?? I kinda feel sorry for him now

same deal. I have friends in a wealthy neighborhood and we go there to trick or treat (I live in a semi rural area - no neighbors nearby). They spent $300 on candy last year that they gave to mostly kids from other neighborhoods. And it was perfectly fine with them.

human statue holding a creepy baby doll. the usual.

I say Yes to this dress

I always toss corn and scallops into my potato soup and make what is possibly for me the best soup ever. Similarly tortellini in my tomato basil soup does the same thing.

yeah and the beginning of Conner's breakdown

we had sex on the beach after our wedding, still in wedding attire. and champagne. it was awesome.

my daughter and were discussing this (in a good way). she commented that there was more gay sex than hetero sex on this show (I think we're going to start a tally just for fun). It's eye-opening for a 15 year old (also in a good way).

this was a total spoiler for me since I won't be able to watch this on DVR until next week, but I watched it anyway. awesome.

you realize that there may have been something preventing her from speaking up until now.

there what is?

exactly. I was the main wage earner in our household when I was married and I hired a cleaning service the week I went back to work when maternity leave ended. Haven't cleaned my house since and it's the best money I've spent.

well then you need to be swimming in a new pool

this is why I don't cook (extravagantly) and have made it clear to my kids, with no apologies, that when they remember me to their friends it'll be for road trips, music festivals, and sporting events. so far they're ok with this :)