they're not treating them as adults per se, just trying them in adult court.
they're not treating them as adults per se, just trying them in adult court.
I don't agree with this. As a young girl it wouldn't have mattered to me whether my dad did the dishes or laundry. What made a bigger impact on me was him explaining to me how a combustion engine worked, how to use a microscope, how to fix a vacuum cleaner, how to program a PCL. Him challenging me to study…
pilot talk is so hot. seriously.
you described yourself. you're so funny.
Velcro Dot would be a great name for a band
there's something strange about this story that I read in the Daily Mail. the neighbors of Garcia and the victim had regular, normal interactions (birthday parties, social events) with the couple and had no idea that the woman was being held against her will. the neighbors describe elaborate costume parties, him…
motherofgod that's hot!
eh, just take him into the bathroom with you and reinforce the potty training. on traumatize him. either way. because with toddlers there is no privacy. ever.
who goes to the bathroom without locking their toddler in a closet or something. for safety. sheesh! parents today.
this is interesting. to me (an amateur here) it looks like some issue that Solange has with Jayz. Bey's detachment makes me think that she already knows what to expect when they board the elevator with her. Like she's patiently waiting it out. What's interesting is how Bey steps in front of Jayz as if to put…
obviously I'm just catching up. for some reason I thought it was elementary school! way off. my bad.
sorry I hadn't immersed myself in this thread like I normally would. I thought they were way younger - between 8 and 12. the higher age range makes more sense.
I made the mistake of clicking through and reading her post and found this nonsense: "In your forties, you won't have the stamina or patience that you had in your twenties or thirties"
Am I the only one who thinks that these look like grown women and not school girls? Not that it matters (if these are women held against their will obviously) but I thought the kidnapped ones were children.
lord I remember maybe a couple years ago when OK was in the playoffs CB called one of the players "nappy headed" and then the next broadcast stated that "black people don't wear cowboy boots." what a gem.
lord now I need to watch the tape again because I wasn't even paying attention to what she was wearing!
a willing partner means one that is willing to go through the entire process. not just the sex part. as a woman, if I truly committed to having a baby with my partner I wouldn't change my mind after getting pregnant. it's a serious decision.
well then I'm surprised that you would stand firm that a man would have a right to insist that a woman's pregnancy should continue knowing that there's a chance it in fact could end in death.
as can the child
since I can't recommend your comment more that once, I want to reprint this important message: