
difficulties in pregnancy often occur much later, becoming dire at times during labor and delivery. there's no way to determine, during the time window of legal abortion, whether in fact the pregnancy will be "healthy" or the child will in fact be born without disease or defect. I don't think you understand the

find a willing partner in the hopes and dreams. that's the key

again, go impregnate someone else who wants your baby as much as you do

wrong. and what does the rape sentence even mean?

then get a woman pregnant who wants to carry it to term.


"how offended you would be if some asked you "What? Are you on your period?" if you were acting offended?"

so what you're saying here is that he's gotten ahold of a nice pussy?

he's on his man period! (I've learned to recognize the signs and am excited to share this revelation repeatedly. with everyone.)

my son would be asking you if you're on your man period. assuming you're a guy of course.

my son jokes about this too. whenever there's an issue or some type of drama with guys in his peer group he tells me they're on their "man period". I've started referring to the man period regularly now, because apparently it's real.

I'm actually more amazed at the photography than the hamster. I wonder how many takes this took?

similar here. nurse whose last name is Payne. Nurse Payne.

this is why I keep my cat in the garage.

my cat absolutely loves the laundry basket. consequently my towels are now all fringed in places where fringe is least expected.

indeed, surprisingly eloquently.

he's a year older than my son. ugh.

I was in it hot n heavy with the Lorax on Tinder the other day. I'm sorry. I mean my friend was.