I'm totally cool with all this love
I'm totally cool with all this love
can I use that paper to dry my tears? because otherwise, tissues (more paper!)
yeah but I believe karma would give us the win that week, so we're good.*
I'd like have Valentine talk some sense to Francesa. on the radio. that would be boss.
meh, to me he's more like a MORONIC GASBAG!
ha! and I thought for a moment that your husband actually played in the super bowl. nevermind. carry on.
I'll believe this is real when they actually interview her
I will totally own that clicking on the pics is never an accident
I just removed Tracks magazine from the coffee table of the holiday house in my dreams
actually the reverse "unconscious coupling" might be kind of fun. depending.
lord, I read this as "I can eat out my husband on any day of the week" and thought you go girl!
god Lindsay looks so tired
or his lap
aside from this I think pickups are some of the most dangerous vehicles to drive. I was going to a funeral a few years ago. rainy day. interstate driving. I drifted to the far left lane so a pickup truck could merge from an entrance ramp. the truck accelerating (like a normal person, no speeding) on the ramp…
if you notice though she was blocked on the right side. she couldn't get over.
I'm surprised they toss in a big thatch of pube hair.
I would forgo the panties of course
If I could have a fraction of her class that would be awesome
quite a bit of discussion focuses on schools and students (in giving athletes a pass) but let's not forget the role of parents in all of this. ultimately it's the job of the parent to provide a balanced lifestyle for their child and to ensure their education. my son played organized sports since he was five years…