
tough for me to say since I was a tastykake girl growing up (Allentown, PA). but I did a side-by-side compare of LD and D, they seemed to taste the same but the D chocolate was very dark, unnaturally black, without a proportionately chocolatier taste (if that makes sense). very strange.

St Elmo!

Little Debbie makes Drake's now (where I live in Chattanooga. holla!) . my apologies.

you know Little Debbie owns Drake's now. sorry.

I've been at this parenting thing for 19 years now and your advice is right on point.

I feel kind of sad for Madonna. There isn't anything she hasn't done, and some of the stuff she's repeating I'm not interested in seeing anyway. It'd be nice if she would age gracefully.

and I think he's totally in love with her.
seriously, I think we just witnessed love at first sight.

not wearing undergarments helps as well #secretsofthesouth

Human Diarrhea Pile would be a great name for a band

stretchmarks - from stretching the torso in photoshop

bad photoshopping to "enhance" your message. really? what's your excuse

as long as when I take the suit off my crotch re-appears. that would be cool and fun for summer!

next time someone asks me why I'm smiling I'll say "I'm paging through mental sexual scrapbook."

stealing: non-consensual lending

I think my 14 yr old daughter invented this app.

tell me more about these lubricating institutions. asking for a friend.

same here. it also means I can stay in the office longer and still get a good bike ride in after work without the risk of being hit by a car.

EXACTLY! I like my longer days. and living near a time zone shift (border between EST and CST) the days are even longer. so awesome!

so are you single? asking for a friend.

it appears that you have yet to have the intense first date chemistry. the rip-your-clothes-off-mold-my-body-into-yours chemistry. that. it happens. often on a first date. if it happens to you and you're cool with it then go for it.