
I don’t think he’s as full of himself as you think he is. He has a lot of money and makes things he likes with it. He’s not obnoxious about it like Kanye.

It’s not a beta. It’s the public release of the stable version.

Solid Explorer is now the best.

I joined the beta program to get this update pushed to my phone. Once I installed it, I was able to leave the program without a wipe since this isn’t a beta version.

Where are you getting “mostly negative opinion”?

Take your whining elsewhere. You gave money and they gave you a game. Nobody owes you anything more.

You know you can throw away items you don’t want? I just threw away 50 or so revives today.

It still works. When you’re getting closer, it moves up on the list. When you’re getting further away, it moves down. How hard is that to understand?

Conflict-free is a thing too. That was important to Mrs. TheThird and me.

I think I got my first one about the tone I hit level 15. I’m a few thousand shy of level 17 now.

I watch on the CBS app and my Chromecast.

Here you go.

This is exactly how I feel. All primaries should be open primaries so everyone gets a vote. When we get down to the end and a huge chunk of the population would rather have neither and didn’t even get a chance to make their voice heard, there’s an obvious disconnect somewhere.

What’s with the bullshit Facebook video player? Terrible.

Second paragraph...

Absolutely. The best is the best.

You’re saying the women should be paid way more, right?

The point is, more donations from more people makes you beholden to those people. More money from less people and big interest groups makes you beholden to those groups and not the people who you supposedly represent; the people who can’t afford to compete with multiple hundred thousand dollar donations.

So you agree that’s it’s bad and needs fixed. Yet you encourage going along with the bad way that it is until someone fixes it? All while everyone else goes along with it until someone fixes it? How does it get fixed unless someone breaks from the norm and tries to fix it? Do you even listen to yourself?