
It’s not a secret that the DNC wants Clinton and the RNC wants anyone except Trump.

Especially with Google’s powerful search tool without the photos needing to be tagged.

I came here to ask if their commentary will just be audio or will there be a live video feed? I would love a livestream that matches up with the game that I could keep playing on my phone with the game on tv.

The joke was that the Patriots spy on other teams.

I’m glad my wife got one. She had to use tampons and pads almost every month. It paid for itself after the first month.

Thank you! All I ever read on here in the articles about Chipotle is “so and so place is real Mexican” or “so and so place is way better than Chipotle garbage”. Sometimes I need Chipotle and it’s amazing!

No. Just hold down the power button until it turns off. It’ll turn back on by itself.

What did the chairs ever do to anyone???

Straight out of a Mr. Bean movie.

I used to get cavaties all the time when I was younger. No matter how long or often I brushed or used fluoride rinse, I’d always have cavities.

I don’t get to watch a lot of Euro soccer due to being in a country that doesn’t care about the sport, but do a lot of matches play that “we’re going into battle” beat in the background? I love it!

So only articles that heap praise whether it’s warranted or not are okay then? Got it.


If you watched the game, you would’ve seen that they were basically playing in a puddle in half the pitch. The other half want much better either.

Do you even watch these games? If there is any other teammate near her when she’s driving, she passes to them 75% of the time. It’s frustrating how often she passes in the box instead of taking a shot.

“Google Play Music:

It’s a hell of a lot more enjoyable than men’s soccer where the players flop on the ground and cry foul anytime a defender gets close.

It does support RAW, it just counts towards your Drive storage instead of being unlimited. Unless it’s shout with something smaller than 16mp, then it’s still unlimited.

If you think Colbert’s two books or Nick Offerman’s shouldn’t have been written, you can go to hell!

That’s correct. However, that’s not always going to stop them from then arresting you for some dubious reason, taking your phone, erasing said footage, then releasing you later without charging you.