
I just played a game and the storm is now water. If the “storm” engulfs you, you stay at that height and you start to swim. When you exit the “storm” you’re still the same height so hopefully the terrain height didn’t change much. I left the storm about 8 stories higher than I left so I fell to my death.

Subscribers pay for 1 month at a time from the minute that they subbed. When you have 40,000+ people all subbing at different times on different days, they drop off every day at every different time. If you take 2 days off, that’s a lot of subs dropping off that will need to be resubbed or replaced by another

Dont worry, it’s only an article. You’re a saints fan so I’m sorry there isn’t much to celebrate but you just need to relax.

Aren’t Titans like 30 feet tall? These seem like not that.

He wasn't good enough to qualify.

Unfortunately modesty and self-awareness aren’t requirements for office.

To show that even with greatness, there's always the possibility of things going to shit.

Sounds like Valve should take his offer then, huh? Put the Epic store out of business because of how much better stream is, right?

Or play whatever character you want without using corny and offensive stereotypes.

Twitch is great! If you watch a steamer with a similar personality or similar interests, you’ll find the community in general will be likeable to you. Mostly, I just watch the steamer and enjoy the entertainment. Lately it’s been Timthetatman and he’s super upbeat and positive, if a bit overzealous at times. He also

Calling it now, the monkey with the gun needs nerfed. No need to even choose one of the other two options.

No one that was born after Save the World was released is playing either version.

Well he helped him win the tournament so fuck yourself.

The nerds are the jocks now!

This deserves all the internet stars!

I went out and got an alarm clock after reading this article and I got even less sleep. Normally I read my Feedly feed and promptly fall asleep but this time I played with my new alarm clock all night. What the hell have you done to me?!

I think I love him.

They need to have the camo as an official paint option.

“If you think I won’t say anything about soccer star Megan Rapinoe because she’s white, you’re right. But she’s also gay, so here I go!"

Who gives a shit? He’s not forcing anything on you.