
Could Sam Bowie lead the Bulls to Six NBA Championships?

Is that even English that I'm reading?

He's not a thug, he's just scrappy.

You really are a Knicks fan. You seem incapable of joy.

[takes a shot]

He looks like a thug.

I know....that's the point...I was trying to...sigh...just forget it

What kind of asshole comments on websites?

Your girlfriend is seven years old?

Drew, my girlfriend went (at age 7) to get her ears pierced. The machine broke and got stuck in her ear, and so she ended up pinned in place with a spike through her earlobe for TWO HOURS while the store called in a repair technician to free her. It was a transformative nightmare. Tell your daughter this story. You're

Hey, just testing

That number is mostly a function of being a large metro area with in a region that loves football, right?

Oh, this only looks impressive because he's doing it in a manner that is far harder and more aesthetically pleasing than the normal, also difficult and aesthetically pleasing way. One of the greatest in-game dunkers of all time used to do something similar—though infrequently—from time to time.

If the Seahawks lose, seeing a Guatemalan kid, wearing a "Cardinals 2013 World Series Champions" & eating this man's severed arm is going to be a grisly image.

"Eric Johnson" = BlessedToComment316?!?!?

I had no idea there was such great conversation on the DS Facebook page. See you jerks later!

Eric Johnson wastes more time on Deadspin than the rest of us.

Cubs Intern: Ummm Mr. Green, I think there is something you need to see.

Hi Kent,

Would you rather be 5' 6'' 160 or 6' 6" 360?