

First pro-Sbarro post, thank you!

This is why I hate living in Indiana. I could have clicked on this link and this girl would have been exactly what I would have pictured.

Their lack of spelling ability is only trumped by the ability ti comprehend the fact that he is doing what every single one of them would do if they had jobs. Money talks

Shazier getting snubbed as B1G LB of the year should in some way help his Lowman ranking right?

It is!

*Not gay bashing at all or anything like that*

Buuut reading this and saying "in my ass" after most sentences will give you a good chuckle.

Because they think Nissan is more credible as far as picking something historically important than Deadspin.

"Ahh, fuck em"

Best deal on an Ohio State football jersey? Figure since they are actually going to a BCS bowl this year, I should get a jersey to commemorate.

Shocked that May didn't burst flames from his head upon the realization of OSU probably going to the national championship.


Give Urban Meyer two full months to prepare us for a game and I say that's a game we have more than our fair share of a chance in.

I really hope you're kidding because I go to a MAC school and watched many games this year and there is no comparison. Northern Illinois would be Minnesota this year if they played a B1G schedule.

FSU has a *alleged* rapist as a quarterback such a role model hmmm

God get some fucking faith. Tell me OSU can't put up points on any defense in the country.

Fuck you, you probably cheered for Xichigan in the Basketball NatChamp because B1G too. GTFOH

OSU started the year at #2 and hasn't lost a game yet hmmm...