
I actually think that helps their case as far as "The NFL doesn't care about me" narrative goes.

The irony of the very last paragraph is refreshing.

Before my time.

I hate Stafford because he's chubby and succeeds in the NFL but damn it I gotta give it up to him for that game yesterday.

Or if it's early enough in the fling you could get the florist to handwrite it for you.

The day they make a porno on this scale is the day I give them credit.

He basically is

That Bengals-Jets game looks too easy. Almost too good to be true.


I'm pretty sure he was going for "non-black" but he obviously couldn't just say that.

These are literally worse facilities than the high school I graduated from last year. Fuck, if I was them I'd form a mutiny too.

Tebow did great with two!

Stupid one, yes.

Let's all take a second and realize we're at least a tiny bit jealous we can't act like children on television and then be on air next week like that.

Proving that Michigan girls are in fact uglier.

Probably a smart move on his part.

Broncos can't be the Colts, they never played defense back then.

STFU Brian McCann

You should probably just quit said job.