Rejoice and be glad, for it is time for an update on The Slot’s favorite political commentator. Craig Mazin, Ted…
Rejoice and be glad, for it is time for an update on The Slot’s favorite political commentator. Craig Mazin, Ted…
I was confused by sneaky as well. This was pretty big news when it happened. In addition to the emails I remember reading a few different articles about it.
Yea this was totally sneaky. Except they emailed me TWO YEARS AGO to tell me that while the price was going up for new customers, mine would be grandfathered in for 2 years. Did I remember it’d be happening this month? No. Am I pissed? No. Because unlike some articles are claiming, the bulk of customers who read their…
Im sorry i fell for a troll comment
He has had detailed policy plans available on his website for a long time.
It’s a better idea to list real pros and cons of both candidates then the bs you posted. But then, you aren’t looking for dialog, just pushing opinion.
That’s a ripe load of bullshit. The Daily Mail chose to use two different terms in their article, and it’s no mistake that they chose to use the term with negative connotations for her and the term with more neutral connotations for him. This kind of thing doesn’t happen in a vacuum.
referring to Rayne as an unnamed “porn star” who accused “adult actor” James Deen of rape
What makes you think that youve got a better grasp on “reality” than hardcore Sanders supporters?
So got it you guys cool with Citizens United now? Do you seriously not see the problem with money in politics? Why can’t we have publicly financed campaigns?
The Victory Funds are not FEC fundraising committees. They are PACs, and therefore not subject to much legal oversight.
You insulted me personally. I referenced publicly available information. You said she’s helping “small” candidates. Name one. I can name several candidates Bernie is helping: Tim Canova. John Fetterman. Zephyr Teachout. Kaniela Ing. That’s just off the top of my head.
You want a link? Here’s a link, to just ONE…
If Hillary is fundraising for “down-ballot” campaigns, under the presumption she gets elected, that would confirm Sanders’s argument that campaign finance in America is pathological. Clinton, being elected, would have coalition loyalty from Democrats, which is great for her agenda, but would entrench patronage and…
Turnout is way down from ‘08. The base is not turning out for her. And way to discount all the people of color who’ve voted for Bernie as well. Typical that many (not all but many) of her supporters like you have been race-baiting since Shillary herself perfected modern-day racist dog whistles, first with her comments…
You may be a Sanders supporter, but you MUST be new here. Have you seen how mind controlled the Hill Bots are? You say anything negative about their precious and you’re labeled sexist or a Berne Bros. Except Obama, of course. He seems to get a pass for calling her Cheney Lite for some reason . Probably because it…
Doesn’t that substantively amount to Hillary buying coalition? And, if so, confirm everything Sanders says?
He turned the Red Hot Chili Peppers offer to pay venues for his events saying it was “too much money to take from them,” and he “didn’t want to beholden to anyone,” so I doubt it.
So you’re like totally cool with the fucked up lobbying situation too then. Way to stand for the people instead of the money.