
How can you even eat if you don't eat vinegar?

I would have come to your defense. Geez people.

It must have been hard trying to be strong through all that. Best of luck. If we were in person I would give you a hug. Hugs sound pretty good right now.

So what about my repeated statements about medical necessity did you miss? And what aspect of questioning "elective" surgery (not medically required or even medically suggested) translates into the suggestion that I think I am the person who needs to approve elective surgeries? I made a statement about my opinion on

You know what? You are absolutely right that we each are allowed to make our own decisions and cost/benefit analysis with regards to our families. I was letting the choice I would make stand in as the "right" decision which is flippant and glib of me. While I can't promise not to have an opinion on this issue it

You are reputing an argument I didn't make re: individual elective surgery. I have no problem with individual elective surgeries. My reason for disagreeing with elective c-sections is that there is evidence that an infant not passing through the birth canal reduces the infant's exposure to healthy and vital flora

If my numbers were off I apologize it was not my intention to provide bad data or to muddy the discussion; I am not an expert on this subject and I did cursory research to find the numbers I did using cited websites such as webMD and The National Partnership of Women and Families. That said I suspect the numbers you

The research I did to answer your question says that the current rate is between 29% and 35% of US births are C-sections, but that "normal" rates are considered below 6% of births and average around 4% in most developed nations. I am not sure how many of the 29-35% are elective, but if more than 6% are required for

Elective c-sections for convenience or scheduling purposes.

I agree, unnecessary c-sections that are scheduled for the convenience of the doctors and the mother rather than the health of the child and mother are open game for judgement. Especially as more evidence is found showing that the trip through the birth canal provides exposure to flora and fauna that are needed for

Everything was amazing in Arrested Development.

I'm high looking at it right now. Wiggle wiggle wiggle.

I completely understand. I don't like stuff like that either. That has been toned down some.

I liked Go On as well.

Spoilerz! Then you missed him coming back and maybe being gggggooood? Not...bad. I'm actually not sure what he came back as, Sleepy Hallow is incoherent.

It was terrible. I like the two leads, but that show was god awful.

Jon addressed this live tonight and says that yes he did vote. He was being flippant and glib when he said he didn't vote and that he had voted and that it was important to vote.

Well, that's really disappointing.

can't watch the video. What did he say? Why wouldn't you put what he said into the article?