You get 420 likes for the gif.
You get 420 likes for the gif.
People said that? That is messed up.
The people freaking out about this aren't sending their kids to public school.
They don't take cards? The medical pot shops here in CA do. The only thing more surreal than buying pot at a cash register is whipping out your visa debit to pay for it. We live in amazing times.
I was really excited just now to learn about this Unlimited program. Until I found out the price. $75 is really high for a 3 at a time accessory is highway robbery! yes the items are really high quality, but that is way to rich for my blood. I'll stick with Gwynnie Bee and continue my search for a boho-styled…
Natural fibers would be nice. Please let me buy plus size dresses that aren't made by a textile chemist. Also, I'm in my late 30s and I do not want to wear the 1990s retreads in ugly colors and weird patterns that the "kids" seem to be digging today.
My primary point was, and remains, that D/s is a negotiated lifestyle hinged on mutual consent. I am aware that for some subs, the "sex act" is primarily based in submission and does not require conventional sex (though I have been lifestyle in the past and I personally found those two elements intrinsically linked -…
What you are describing is negotiated between participants. Negotiated sex acts, including non-sexual gender roles within that sexual play has zero to do with this letter or the responses of Polly, Jezebel, or the commentators. There is no conflict between sex positive feminism and BDSM, because BDSM is consensual.
Friends, because this:
OMG, I just watched Daredevil the other day, and he was soooooooo terrible in that movie as Bullseye. I can only hope that he is reprising that character in True Detective Season 2.
What on earth are you trying to say?
Lets be clear, from the story presented it wasn't that he only knew about scrambled eggs, it was that he didn't provide any method to a standard industry question ""I don't know!" he shouted. "Just cook 'em up!"" The waitress made the determination to bring scrambled.
My microplane or micro zester. I love it so much. Need a little umami? Micro-zest some parm in that bitch. Need a boost of lemon? Microplane!…
1. You have no idea my personal history or what level of poverty I grew up with. 2. It doesn't blow my mind that people had both less and more than me growing up (and even now). What blows my mind is that someone would suggest that knowledge of egg preparation is the intellectual property of the owners of capital.…
1. You have no idea my personal history or what level of poverty I grew up with. 2. It doesn't blow my mind that people had both less and more than me growing up (and even now). What blows my mind is that someone would suggest that knowledge of egg preparation is the intellectual property of the owners of capital.…
In that highly unlikely situation I would find the individual's intellectual curiosity lacking, and be be concerned for their ability to function in a complex society.
Even if he didn't care every server in the world will ask "how do you want those done." and it is rude and entitled of him to not have an answer and to put it on the server to figure out what he wants to order.
If you have reached 25 and not realized that a server is going to ask how you would like your eggs (every time), and you don't have an answer (even if it is because you don't care) you are stupid.