We don't. All we have are sizes. As a shorty I end up having to cuff about 6 inches of fabric or take my jeans to the seamstress for alterations.
We don't. All we have are sizes. As a shorty I end up having to cuff about 6 inches of fabric or take my jeans to the seamstress for alterations.
No, her understanding of her rights as an individual and his position of privilege changed, and she was able to understand her experience. She had to grow into herself and who are you to judge that growth?
Wheat Allergy is a real thing 1 in 8 Americans, especially people of Celtic ancestor. Often people are more familiar with the term "Gluten allergy" than wheat so it is a easy short hand.
I did the exact same thing. I even did a google search. Nada.
Had the exact same thought. Luckily for me the Popeye's is out in the suburbs and a pain to get to, or I would be eating spicy crunchy chicken and red beans & rice all the time.
They have lemon cake as well.
I grew up in Michigan and have lived in CA for 10 years now, and when I say "regular" I mean "not decaf" as god intended it.
Cream here is typically half & half which is 50% whole milk and 50% cream - the butterfat skimmed off of milk. It cannot be whipped like whipping cream for pie, but it contains more cream than whole milk alone.
Honest question: Is this a show that a dude would sit through? I am looking for a new series for me and Mr. Tart to start watching but this always strikes me as pretty girly show that maybe I would enjoy more on my own. Thoughts?
Ah, the summer season, which moves even the dark heart of Bernard Black to fanciful poetry and acts of joy.
Sadly, I've eaten at, worked at, or known workers at enough chef-owned restaurants to know that less than perfect dishes go out all the time. Actually middle of the price range/chef-owned restaurants are often the worst offenders when it comes to consistency and flavor. The chef is only as strong as his line-cooks. …
I have started asking for crispy fries and that has helped, but I agree that their fries are lacking.
The salt and pepper thing bothers me. 1. People like different levels of saltiness 2. As a former chef and observer of other chefs I know that, with the exception of very fine dinning, things go out un/under-seasoned all the time. Shit, you only have to watch Top Chef to hear that many very good cooks forget to…
I had an roommate who loved to make me and my partner smoothies. However she loved both vinegar and cayenne pepper (because she was an adorable 23 year old hippy from Mt. Shasta, CA - if you know you understand) and she would occasionally make us smoothies that were both spicy and apple cider vinegary. We would…
Are you subtly calling out the California burger mecca "In N' Out"? Or is avocado on the secret menu?
My first dinner party at the age of 20 included Capon l'Orange (gosh, I was a pretentious 20 year old), risotto, and asparagus. I was so proud of my elegant meal and then my dinner guests (also 20 year olds) asked for ketchup. Ketchup! I refused but a part of my soul died that day.
Wont even get out of development. They'll film a pilot and the studio will drop it.
Poor kitty is so scared.