
You win the internet for the day!

Ah, I remember living in Berkeley. There is a s reason I do not anymore.

In theory there's no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is.

Actually, I have found the cops to be equally disinterested in either the cases of bike theft and the cases of rape that I have known about.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't read your name when I posted originally. Good bye.

There have been isolated cases of looting. These case are not the norm nor should they be used as an excuse to repress a community or to take away a populations constitutional guarantees. As for rioting. What do you mean by that term? Are peaceful protestors who are actively engaged in civil disobedience against a



Why can't we have images on Gawker media anymore?

They are using rubber bullets. Rubber bullets kill too.


As a short fat girl Lane Bryant is not an option for me. Everything is way to tall and way to long. That combined with how expensive their clothes are and the fact they have no natural fibers keeps me from buying their products. I'm not going to pay full price for clothing and then pay to have them altered - special

Until the clothing industry as a whole stops producing low quality garments made with low quality fabrics in ugly patterns/colors I'll spend my meager clothing budget on Gwynnie Bee where at least I always have something new and I can wear higher fashion clothes for an reasonably affordable price. Plus-Size and

I think that puma has been declawed.

Now playing

Not all big cats; lions hate it. I watched this great documentary, and these lions in the Okavango Delta have evolved to a semi-aquatic lifestyle to exploit the swampy grassland they occupy. They walk around grossed out by their wet fur. A millennia of evolution and they are all still pissed off that they had to get

I wanted a Totoro:

Actually to them we are scary monsters that they attempt to avoid 99.9% of the time. There have only been 16 fatalities since 1970 in the US. Hardly killing machines.

Man he is a terrible photographer. Everything is the same and ugly.... and rapey.