
And pro-life. Which is fine if she would cope to it.

Right, into an insurance pool which is coordinated by an insurance company. My labor has bought access to the insurance pool and my labor pays my premiums.

Companies don't pay for my insurance! I do with my labor. It is part of my compensation; I buy it with my labor. What part of that do you not understand?

No, it was the back of the house that was responsible. As soon as she put our ticket in they should have told her, they didn't tell her until they put the partial plate up for service. This was a hole in the wall dinner, I'm not tipping for recommendations, I tipping because that is the social contract I have with

"They can have an abortion if they medically need one." Since when is it pro-choice to require a medical need to access abortion procedures?

Here's the fly in your ointment: You are the only one buying your argument that that birth control is not healthcare which is the slippery slope you have built your house upon. Its your argument that doesn't stand. If that is your coup de grace you need to do a better job structuring your argument because it is

SSRIs have kept me from committing suicide and have saved my life. Different people react differently to drugs which is why it is important to keep a wide range of birth control methods on the table. Many of us have already said we agree that a man's BC should be on the market if it was a viable option. However, it

Actually, to address your first point, an increasingly large number of employers and insurance companies are covering the cost of preventative care like gym memberships and nutritional programs, so my guess is in the near future these types of costs will be required, because it will keep the cost of health care down.

People with law degrees make more than what Gawker is paying.

1. Sex in a relationship is healthy and helps keep a relationship healthy. 2. Employers are not paying for birth control, employees are through the exchange of labor for compensation. I was with you for a while with regards to expanding the roll of men in family planning, but it has become obvious you are actually

Shut up.

They must not be in Northern California. I have never heard of this chain before.

My siste is a terrible murderer. Her lots are full of the tombstones of countless nannies. That said, nannies are the worst and the world might be better off.

I once made the whole cast of That 70s Show. It was epic. Red, the dad, wad really mean, One day he was abuducted by aliens and after missing for three days he came home just the nicest person. The whole family would walk around crying while he was missing. The first Sims game really was good.

I can't kill Sims. It makes me sad. I am a loving and kind god. I do laugh when they die doing something stupid though.


God, you're an asshole ;)

Or 5 minutes alone to ask questions about parental/domestic abuse.


I hate that shit. I don't need to be a parent to know that most parents are awful.