
Simple cure: Doctors can talk about sex and birth control in front of parents. Parents might not like it (why?) but at least some information would be shared.

I think you missed my point entirely. I was saying that female characters need to be well rounded and important to the story, but that doesn't mean they have to be bad-ass characters. A weak and timid woman character, while perhaps not the most interesting to you personally, should still be a well rounded and

I just realized my terrible night sweats stopped when I went off Lexapro. I never connected the two. Interesting.

Or he's the single greatest thing to happen to 21 century pop culture. And I say this as someone who has only heard two of his songs but loves all cap tweets.

Can a woman with implants still breast feed? I feel really naive asking this question

This statement is streets ahead.

"What do you mean you want me to do another autopsy?! And why do I have to do it right now? I just spent hours on my feet doing an autopsy, all for you. I do it all for you, Mulder. You know, I haven't eaten since 6:00 this morning, and all that was was a half a cream cheese bagel, and it wasn't even real cream

I'm also tired of strong female character meaning ass-kicking or tough. That is very literal when what is meant by strong is rounded and integral to the story. A woman can be weak, timid, and powerless, but still be well rounded and meaningful character if she has something to do in the story. I don't want more

Willow always looked like she was dressed in hand-me-downs from her eccentric aunt who lived alone in a rent controlled walk up in NYC with three cats named after romance novel heroes.

I was getting fitted for some glasses (cat-eye because that's how I roll) a few years ago and the Optician was lamenting the fact she had just talked all the old ladies out of wearing the big huge 80s glasses only to have the teenagers start wearing them. She couldn't understand why anyone would wear them and why

I don't understand all these complaints about the polyester in the 1970s. Not because I like 1970s polyester, but because it is nearly impossible to find a natural fiber at any clothing store today. Everything is poly-blend with spandex. At least in the plus size and the in the majority of mid-priced standard sized

I love both the dresses in that first picture. I would wear the heck out of them. I do wish they were cotton rather than polyester, but I love everything about them.

Are you kidding? They are stylin'! Both of those matched outfits are perfect for a casual neighborhood key party.

The 80s were the worst. And today is really the most awful because it is 80s derivative. I hate clothes today! Ugly prints, overly saturated colors in poorly conceived tones, cheap fabric and low quality construction - even at higher end stores. It drives me crazy that I go to a number of stores and can't find a


In Germany and parts of France the bathrooms were very clean and well maintained. Because we had to pay to use them and an attendant cleaned up each stall. Perhaps this is why you have not been subjected to pee seat? Also, growing up in Michigan I never saw seat covers, but here in California they seemed to be

This is a re-creation of my favorite, admittedly juvenile, graffiti from the UC Davis Hart Hall bathroom. I don't know why I think it is the funniest thing ever.

I love primer. It is the best make-up product I use. That and Physician's Formula Eye Brightener.