Why would you do your eyes first? I don't understand.
Why would you do your eyes first? I don't understand.
I hear what you are saying, but it very typical for a server to stop at the table and ask "Would you like anything else?" before bringing the bill. A server who rushes customers out and misses the opportunity to add additional items to a bill is hurting themselves and their business - especially high profit margin…
Most likely because it was in the country side and it took that long for one to reach them. I assume, if this story is real, that it took place in a rural place which is why they used a pit toilet; no running water.
Are we sure this isn't a hoax? I heard basically this same story, but with a chicken instead of a phone, in the Darwin Awards about a decade ago. That was in Egypt, not China, but a lot of the details are similar.
I am sorry if it came across that I was suggesting that women who have been sexually assaulted use that experience to somehow elevate their cultural desirability status. I was being purposefully provocative and was speaking more to a generalized experience that I and a number of women I have discussed this with…
Americans live in one of the safest nations in the world, with crime rates that reflect that reality, and yet tons of women talk about living in constant fear. If that doesn't count as fucking paranoid, I am not sure what does.
I have lived in plenty of "bad" neighborhoods in some of the "worst" cities in the country - West Oakland, Mid-City New Orleans, Detroit - worked late and walked home (no car) and managed to live without regular or even semi-regular fear. Don't project your own class-based fears on the rest of us females.
I agree. I am so tried of hearing this. There are times I have been afraid, but it is not daily nor many times is it gender related. I am told all the time by other women that "we" are afraid all the time. 1. I think this fear mongering is a mechanism of control, 2. Creates an environment where men are expected to…
Since when is a period a health problem?
That was so much awesome. I know what I am going to watch all afternoon. Thanks for that!
I refuse to believe that Gone With The Wind is as widely read as this list suggest. My guess is the people surveyed have seen the movie and know that it is based on a movie. I know that personal experience do not reflect a larger pattern, but I circulate in a very bookish community and no one I know has actually…
This list proves that the only books most people read were in High School English.
I agree.
It doesn't sound like your experience has anything to do with the "No Fly List." The government does not share why individuals are on the "No Fly List" and if you are on the list there is no negotiating a VISA and entering the country.
No, there is no explanation. Only one woman has successfully been able to remove themselves from the No Fly List after a protracted legal battle.
I just listened to a NPR segment on this two days ago, and a number of lawyers and an organization advocating for increased transparency in the "No Fly List" said that there are no reasons given for why people are placed on the "No Fly List" and why they are not allowed to fly. Individuals are not told why they are…
His numbers didn't grow because they didn't air his show on Hulu!
Just to make a point about stereotypes. Guy is from Northern CA, Sacramento to be specific, not the Midwest.