
This program is about making travel accessible to people who might not otherwise have access - within the Tuft's student body at least.

I'm saying I disagree with you. I'm saying a traveled citizenry makes for better foreign policy in the long run. Which is a benefit for other nations. I'm saying that increased understanding by Western kids helps them realize that many places don't need help they just need respect.

Traveling abroad is the most mind-expanding activity a young person can do. Many young people grow up in a bubble. They are unaware of other ways of life and other ways of thinking (not just privileged kids.) I think it is important even if you return to University as an adult (as I did). Studying abroad as part

I'm so sick of his dumb sh*t.

What? By pretending it doesn't exist?

This comment is full of grace.

In the clip you can hear her say what she meant was "Mostly weight-loss surgery".

There is no way that is true. Only 3% of American women have a boob job. I am sure that is not all high school girls. I don't have the data but I bet that "Oh The Places You'll Go" is the #1 graduation gift for American high school graduates - male or female.

There is a long history of drag performers and Liza. It is this history Ellen was referencing. It was not a comment on trans-individuals, but on Liza's own mythology within the gay community connected to her position as Judy's daughter and her quirky androgynous stage and film performances. Not every comment about

He's only hot as Tony.

The montages were terrible! They had no thematic center. What the hell were they about? The animation one was awful; obviously put together by someone who watches no animation. I don't even know what the other ones (or that one) were about. In the past there have been emotionally charged montages - film after all


Well, I hope that some of what they sell is made of cotton or other natural fibers. I went shopping the other week and could not find single piece of plus sized clothes that wasn't synthetic. Excuse me? Just because I'm fat, why must I wear polyester?

Last night was the most relaxed and happy I have seen her in years. she must have smoked some of Brad's good stuff in the limo.

How did I miss that Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis were a thing? This makes me so happy. What a handsome, funny, and talented couple.

My favorite gown so far.

I have the weirdest thing for Dax Shepherd. He is just so hot.

Sorry, but Spike was always a romantic also-ran to Angel. That "romance" always felt forced and contrived; Buffy and Spike had no chemistry! Spike and Drusilla FTW!

Hate...Bottle Rocket....I see the words you have written on the page, but I don't understand what they mean...

How dos that equal $80,000. Aside from the booze and candy I could give shit about the rest.