This article on a waste of journalistic space seems like a good place to voice my displeasure regarding the new Kinja setup. Why does Gawker insist on making the comments section more and more difficult to navigate?
This article on a waste of journalistic space seems like a good place to voice my displeasure regarding the new Kinja setup. Why does Gawker insist on making the comments section more and more difficult to navigate?
Where the hell has she been? What is this? 2007?
That is a very good question. The next question is "Why won't they make more Jeeves and Wooster?" A Bit of Fry & Laurie is on Hulu if you need a little fix.
Kirk Cameron learned a very special lesson about the plight homeless people when he learned that Leo was living in a dumpster and had no family. Good times!
We do still use both terms, especially at award shows were the categories are assigned by sex. However, I think English (at least American English) is moving towards a more "gender neutral" usage (even though often times that means absorbing the female noun into the male - Actresses become Actors). Saying Actor and…
He looked like he was 25 in Wolf of Wall Street. The whole time we were watching it I kept asking my partner "Did they use computer effects to make him look so young? How did they get him to look so young? Is that just a really good make-up artist?" He looked so young (and thin) in that movie. I think Leo is…
Is Bale even wearing a tux? It looks like an over-sized black suit with a vest. It needs a pressing and a good tailoring (I volunteer to take the inseam measurement).
I think it is a beautiful collection.
What the heck does "spice-scant" mean? A search of the term brought up nothing.
Good luck. We have a better chance to up the minimum wage than we ever will for expanding welfare in this country. Also, I think you should be careful with your terminology. $15.00 is not a high wage, it is the wage calculated to be the base for lifting people out of poverty. It is enough to pay basic bills and no…
Your premise is wrong here. People who make 5.00 are in dire straights. Additionally government assistance is not filling the gap between minimum wage and a living wage. The calculatiokns used by welfare policy makers is to compute the lowest possible bar for subsistance and then reduce it by 20%. So people on…
The social safety net is designed this way to "incentivize" people to move off welfare/assistance/food stamps quickly.
The problem is that the safety net is not "making up the difference" of a living wage, it is making up the difference to subsistance living. The quality of life for a minimum wage worker who is also on assistance is not the equvalant of a $15.00 an hour worker.
Man, I really need to get back on my antidepressants. Everything makes me cry these day.
I used the "find" function of my browser not Jezebel's search. I'm not finding it on this page aside from your initial usage.
This seems like one of those stories that are best kept to yourself. Other than shocking and offending people there is no reason to relate this story at all.
Where is it being used? I did a word search and only your usage and the people responding to your usage came up as results.
I think it's cute.
This is one of my all time favorite film images. Made better by learning the mundane and industrial method used to make the bag dance, which rather than ruining the gentle beauty of the image, adds to it because something as annoying as a leaf blower could be used to create such a quiet moment of artistic perfection.