
I'll say the same thing I said on iO9: This isn't lingerie!

These are licensed. Why would Disney shut down a item they licensed?

Mine looks like a Disney character now:

He didn't tell her to say "excuse me" he said it regarding her standing in the aisle after saying "Sorry, that's my seat". So she had already apologized for disturbing him - with the inital "Sorry". You added the jostling/bag part to the story yourself. Lindy actually specifically says later that she moved aside to

There are very few things more anxiety producing than having to walk an aisle on a plan (or bus) with my fat butt and my carry-on.

Just enough to bother the person behind you.

I'm 5'2" and I never have leg room on planes.

I love Uncle Poodle. I think Honey Boo Boo is a great family show that illustrates all kinds of love. June is raising really good girls.

Here is my handsome Elroy:

Please substantiate this "hold the head under water" claim.

If you have seen the show, you would know it is a label they wear with zealous pride.

And what are the opportunity cost associated with the time spent weighing in on a subject you know nothing about to contribute only your proud lack of knowledge?

Based on your hubris and not your actual experience. I'm not defending the quality of the show, I'm making a comment on elitists of any ilk acting as if ignorance on a subject gives them righteousness. Why would anyone be proud of being ignorant on aa subject? Why would they present that to others as proof of

I always think it is strange when people present their ignorance of wider/popular culture a badge of honor.

Right, because of Uncle Poodle.

The writer and director Richard Curtis returns time again to "love" as his primary cinematic theme so I do think he believes he has something important to say on the subject. I just don't think he is very good at it.

Because he's 90 and men that age didn't do the stuff that men our age are expected to. If you want to see the success of Feminism look to the future not to the past.

Thanks for explaining that!

I'm no expert so I can't answer your question. I don't know of any "prosecutions" for unionization. I just know that Right to Work affects membership (at least in Michigan) because new employees can opt out of membership which creates divides withing the collective bargaining body. Also many states have passed laws