
...only good if based on the original trilogy. I mean come on, you're going Episode 1 on us? Bad start.

Now playing

I sell this sort of stuff every day and I can say that 82 inch touch is a bit impractical, but when you go that big practical is not what you're after. They do have transparent LCD touch and it works surprisingly well as the picture on screen can be made opaque at a gesture. This is cooler than it sounds I got to

More than fair. I'm game for a train wreck though. I did see Green Lantern on opening night.

A million times yes.


Needs more Science Spheres I say. Keeps the rats out!

Don't leave out the darker persuasion. This is one of the best.

Me to DOJ "What do you mean I don't live in Kings Landing, MA? Are you trying to tell me I didn't study early childhood education at Cambridge University? I suppose next you're going to tell me that I don't work at the Guild of Calamitous Intent?"You see I don't lie on Facebook, I polish the turd that is reality.

I used to fry up leftover KMC with butter. It's better than the day before, because it's fried in butter.

It did fix them for a time. You could also disassemble them and manually readjust the disc tray height. It sounds harder than it was.

The best part about the idea being better is that it's sane. No crazy storyline or anything, just good sci-fi sense.

I worked in a Funcoland (think Gamestop, but good) and we had over 100 preorders, and we got 12. Of the first twelve almost half had the disc read error including mine. That went on for months. The best part was the Sony didn't replace them, they made you send them in for service. I think people forgot how bad it was

It looks like a possessed Daggit! Kill it with fire!

The Wii? This was worse...

I think the mermaid is Party Downs own Jane Lynch. I think I actually like Pixars short films better than the movies. Just look at Bird on a Wire, classic stuff.

I'm flat out shocked that this guy is not working for a major comics publisher. I flat out love his ideas. The Oracle concept alone is a simple, logical story line done in a single paragraph that DC would have a hard time coming up with on their best days. I'm officially going to waste some serious hours reading his

Whoops. Sorry, I was practicing..

That was what I got out of it as well. It's a little easier to draw that conclusion as Peter is at least close to the same and the rest of this universe is totally dissimilar in several ways. Wouldn't it make more sense that the universe is incorrect? Still, I'm of the opinion that it's the right universe and Peter,

When I was in the Everglades a few years back I saw some gators diddlin. I thought they were fighting at first, but I guess that's always what you think when you see it the first time.

I had this one. I was the damn envy of the neighborhood.