
Because that would be less manful and cool. That is all.

That is the best Sim City map I have ever seen. Lots of Sim City references lately...

It doesn't look all that bad. My only issue is Hal wearing the ring while test piloting. He always says in the comics that he won't do it because it takes away from the danger inherent in test piloting.

I have to constantly remind myself why I don't miss working around D.C. I will put this picture up as a silent reminder. Thanks!

I grew up on Baker reruns fueling my nightmares, but Tennant is my Doctor, as Baker is my mothers Doctor.

Yeah I've been into comics for far too long to not have heard of him. Animal Man is fantastic so I have to chase down some of his other works. He's easily outclassing bigger names like Morrison and Johns for the top of the DC reboot pile.

I'm with you on that one. Heroes could have been so damned good. It's certainly one of the largest disappointments/letdowns in Sci Fi TV History.

It could very easily be an IR light as well. IR lights that you can't see can be picked up by a camera quite easily and sort of look like this. Want to try it out? Take out a TV remote and point the IR sensor at a camera. Also, this is a great way to see if your batteries are working.

Good. I sort of felt insane there for a second. But then, I was an early adopter of SGU and Caprica...

It's like pickled herring it's an acquired taste. It's just that a lot of people have acquired that taste. I can totally understand the folks who hate Akira though.

Am I the only one who found Grimm worth watching? I have to say it was pleasantly surprising. They play the kitsch with the straight characters and it just works. Here's hoping it doesn't get the early ax!

Or use a fake name and write even horrier-er horror stories.

If I have to watch a film where Garrett Hedlund screams "Timmy" every 20 seconds I'm going to lose my sh...tuff. No matter how bad it is, I will go. It is after all, a live action Akira.

Also, copious amounts of spice.

$800 is not a lot to spend for a good audio system. If you really want to invest in a middle of the road audio system you should look to spend $1000 minimum. How much did you spend on your TV? A typical person keeps their audio system for nearly twice as long as their TV, so why not invest in something decent? $800

I'm really hoping that Tom Hardy will change the voice a bit in post production. He really sounded like a sick old man in the audio. I know it's low quality and he has his langolier mask on, but it was pretty bad. Although, I guess that bad voices are Bat-Par for the course.

HP actually had an internal fire sale on the Touchpads. This was after the public fire sale and was an effort to get rid of the remaining stock. I work with some HP people who were refreshing their screens like they were trying to buy Justin Beiber (sp?) tickets. I have to say that I think that was the last of them

I'm certainly one who has re-read the series at least a few times in it's entirety and I've read Wizard and Glass over a dozen times. (it was a real long wait for the next book!) The problem is even though re-reading the series is technically the sequel nothing new really happens when I re read the books. I wonder why

I'm with Steven on this one the last book itself was good. It did a great job of tying up loose ends from the DT series and some of the tie in books like Insomnia. But that ending? WTF? Does that mean I should start the series over again for a continuation of the story? Is it just some literary mobius strip? The book,