
I travel for business a lot and I would most certainly pay for WiFi if it would give me at least some guarantee that streaming video would work. There are plenty of places out there (I'm looking at you all of Las Vegas) that charge for WiFi and still choke you off. (heh) However, something like $20 bucks might be a

Gah! Really? I was born on the ewok loving side of the ewok curve, but I still don't like them. However, saying that Jar Jar is's...I just don't have words for the wrongness.

He could have written in a far less annoying character. You can get the kids involved without being a total tool. Think more Chewbacca and less Jerry Lewis with giant ears.

Sony is currently building interop into their sets/tablets. It's a neat concept, though their execution is somewhat sloppy. If there's anything Apple is good at it's crafting a simple and useable UI. There's a ton of potential there in the interoperability between devices, I hope they can pull it off.

Samsung will likely provide them with the panel. Samsung supplies panels for Sony and NEC, both direct competitors. Don't forget the chips in the iPhone, iPad, etc... already come from Samsung, so the relationship is already there.

Look at that, "breach hull all die!" I even had it underlined.

All nuclear power plants mind you; It's the only nature conscious way to build. It also has roads. A good mayor knows that to get the simpering populace to quit whining about traffic and pollution is to only build railroads.

Everyone knows it's for protection from Galactus. Saturn is too tasty looking to go it alone. So it employs the powerful space walnut to preempt a Galactus attack. If there's one things known throughout the galaxy, Galactus' love of walnuts.

I don't think so. If you'll take a closer look the building is not yellow, and does not have the giant "I" signifying it as an industrial area.

Where did they build the nuclear power plant? If I've learned anything from Sim City, this map needs at least three of them.

I've never been more thankful that the phone I bought last year isn't upgradeable to this feature.

Is it wrong that the part I thought was the coolest was that it could read you text messages and then you could reply by talking? It's almost like talking on the phone! Except without all that messy having to talk to people thing. We can now talk through judgement free machines.

Brain control!? Oh my stars!

I believe this is more accurate.

Performa 6400! My parents bought it for me when I blew up my old 486DX based PC. That thing lasted for ever...

I'm giving Person of Interest some more rope for at least next week. The show is good, but they're going to have to do a better job of describing exactly how they're getting away with killing people with giant trucks under the cover of broad daylight. It's Jonathan Nolan, so I expect they'll get around to it. If they

This is what Ponce de Leon was looking for! I'm going to set up a bathtub full of Patron to sleep in.

No. no. no. It preserves them like a pickle. Which is why after a healthy dosing of tequila all my internal organs are so well preserved. That works right? If it preserves worms it will preserve my liver. It's science!

I have to say if I were the female party I would have been a little skeeved by the cameras. You kinda have to put that out there first. But still, randomly mashing people together and hoping ugly bumping ensues? I could swear there's something that already does that for free. What was it called again? Oh yeah! Bars,