That is going on my phone wallpaper. Thanks
That is going on my phone wallpaper. Thanks
Mmmmmmm Grotto i.... That's just one of the best subs even close to that price range. Kudos to you, sir.
They also changed the amplifiers and reduced the size in the amplified version of the Zone players. The new amplified ZPs use a pretty badass digital amp as opposed to the old school amp in the 100s. Also 5w more powah!
My fiancee who is a 5'8 white female has a 58 year old slightly heavy African American state rep show up when you google her name.
WiDi would actually be a great feature. That would turn this into a much more effective business player in the tablet market.
Agreed. My issue is that a lot of articles, this one included, have taken the cover out of context and held it up as the example of what not to do. It seems to me that that diminishes the conversation that we really need to have.
That's of course assuming they are losing 25% of their readership with articles like that. Clearly they are not as they have been excluding women for years and I would bet solid money their female readership has increased as women become a more dominant force in tech. I'm not saying it's right, but it's a business and…
I was with you until the wired cover, and I'm with you after it. That was the fathers day issue. What better way to celebrate fathers day than to show fathers nerdy things to do with their kids? Yes I know, there was no Mothers day corollary, but lets be mad at that and not the fact that they celebrated geek dads.…
Maybe, just maybe they're trying to tie into the whole totems thing in the JMS storyline for future movies when they talk about it not being an accident? That storyline was at least pretty good....
Avengers Spoiler below?
I'm not kidding, that boy's head is like Sputnik; spherical but quite pointy at parts! Now that was offside, wasn't it? He'll be crying himself to sleep tonight, on his huge pillow.
Do you use these with natural light or artificial? I really like this idea and would like to give it a shot in the winter. The only space I have is in my basement though.
The problem with this argument is that one doesn't replace the other. We aren't taking the NASA funding and curing disease or feeding the homeless, we're funding war and we were using it to bail out wall street. We can and used to fund NASA and used government funds to help homelessness, hunger, and disease. They…
Looks like Puppet Walt Mossberg and my the lady from Grandmas Boy in a Cialis commercial.
Good lord. I had blocked this from memory. I remember playing this in middle school in the Mac lab.
I get that, but I would much rather have them keep true to Alan Scott being gay and not have him swing back and forth. I like the strong, sure gay character as an example as opposed to a confused or denying closet character. The story where Jade and Obsidian came from was good, and it's tough to see where Alan could…
NSFW. She does say she has given him nothing but still borns.
That's what I though as well, but isn't Brightest Day/Blackest Night supposed to have happened in their entirety? There was a fairly large Jade/Obsidian storyline in Brightest Day and Jade was a Black/White Lantern.