
If you have a 360 and are short a socket, consider juggling power bricks

So you will have more room for the ps4 at home? Smart man ;P

I live on the beach in norfolk virginia right across from wallops island so I will be able to see it straight from launch and maybe hear it I hope!?! Watching it at the beach so there's nothing blocking my view :D

I live 1 block away from the beach literally straight across from wallops island where the rocket is being launched tonight, I'm going to go watch the launch on the beach I can't wait!!!

ps how much damage do you think I did to my eyes for a total viewing time of about 15 seconds (it was really bright and I knew about the potential damage so I tried perriphial vision and looked directly for about 3 seconds at a time) I must say thogh, after I stopped and went back inside my eyes did hurt a little, it

I tried to listen to the warnings but looked at it anyways and took a couple pics on my iphone 5 and a video on my flip mino camera. I noticed on the iphone 5 pictures there is a glitched in eclipse in the bottom corners! Like the sun looks like a really bright sun but in the bottom corners there is a small yellow

But what happens when a pod gets hit by a non pod at highway or even 35mph? *shudders* even if it got hit by a mini cooper I don't feel like anyone inside would be very safe.. anyone that knows a little bit more about these things care to inform? Or does everyone share my view

"It's pretty crazy to think that your laptop has enough computing power to send rockets into space."

So my girlfriend is buying me a ps4 for our 1 year/christmas in december and she thinks I don't know but her friend spilled the beans to my friend and from the hints she dropped I was telling my friend I think she was trying to get me one and he told me haha. I love her even more for trying to get me a ps4 but she

But in all honesty the we did go there before... there wasn't one manned mission to the moon just one that gets all the attention.. the only thing to do on the moon would be a base and Obama has outlined a plan to go to mars instead. It's not like any other country has gone anywhere in space so why not shoot for the

Ok so I know it's taboo to go off subject when posting comments and I did read the article but seriously Giz/Gawker STOP with the site redesigns! Everyone hated the previous but I think the Kinja one was actually decent or at least grew on me. This new one not only is an eyesore but A LOT of things are overlapping..

The 5c isn't even a new device. It's just an option for 5 owners to transer their phone's guts to a permanent case.

Cotton Mouth is a bitch

Am I the only person that noticed the 4 star review from gizmodo IN the trailer haha gizception

Can't put my finger on it, but something about the rims made it look fake to me... before I looked at the people and how bright this is overall. Bad cover image, the evo's or mercede's look much more realistic!

Well Naughty Dog JUST released The Last Of Us, (which I stil havn't played :/ ) but they prob want the focus to stay on that project first before the next uncharted overshadows any other work they've done. The consoles are coming out this year so I doubt everybody wanted to squeeze in at launch.

But when you think about it, the jump from PS2 to PS3 was like going from flip phones to smartphones. Not really many bounderies to jump at the moment and I think sony did a good job with what the could. But seriously it's not like they can add 3d gaming, ps3 already has it and no such thing as holograms.. I think

Yo dawg I know you make a lot of mistakes so we reinvented the eraser. Introducing... Eraser One

Im sad you beat me to it!

I've been learned about/have been playing kerbal space program all this week and it makes this so much more interesting! Before space walks seemed kind of boring because really I might as well be watching a plumber or mechanic.. but now that I know how delicate/intense it is just to get up there let alone work i'm